Audrey nodded with the agreements of the soup that was well made. It was also clear that the two would be staying with them for now, though she wasn't quite sure to trust them or not. Though they were just kids, she knew that if her brother could wield a gun as well as he could- then any one could. Watching the quilt overtake the younger of the two new boys, Audrey couldn't help but chuckle. He moved back and forth as the clear sign of the "potty dance" came into view. Standing up from the table she grabbed the quilt from his arms and placed it onto the chair. [i]"I can show you where the bathroom is. I've got magical powers, I always know when someone needs to go."[/i] she teased, sticking her tongue out playfully. She began to walk towards where the old bathrooms for the grocery store was, pointing towards the boys room. [i]"You can go in there, I'll give you privacy."[/i] she said. Her attention being pulled to what her her brother, Gabriel, and yet another boy were doing. It was clear tonight was going to have a lot of new faces. [@Oliver][@DriveEMOut][@LordofthePies][@Vortex]