Here's my Wrath CS, approved through PMs. [hider=Wrath][center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [color=8dc73f]Name[/color]: [url=]Tyrena Sekhmet[/url] [color=8dc73f]Age:[/color] Looks to be around 30, she has forgotten how old she was. [color=8dc73f]Sin:[/color] Wrath [color=8dc73f]Height:[/color] 1.80m [color=8dc73f]Weight:[/color] 65kg [color=8dc73f]Hair Color:[/color] Blond [color=8dc73f]Eye Color:[/color] Red [color=8dc73f]Gender:[/color] Female [color=8dc73f]Written Appearance: [/color]She's quite tall, with a rather statuesque build. She has rather pale skin, which when combined with her rather catching appearance and that striking red eyes, she could and often would be mistaken for an apparition. Rarely would she be without fancy and/or eye catching clothing, a favourite of hers, and through her fashion sense, they never seem to clash with the rather ornate two handed sword she carried. The sword has an odd reddish glow to it, and the gold leaf it uses never seem to actually bend, seemingly as hard as the metal used for the blade. [color=8dc73f]Brand Appearance: [/color]Her brand is a simple triangle, containing an oval split in half with a thin line running from the long end to the other. It placed on her chest, squarely between her collarbones. [color=8dc73f]Personality: [/color]Contrary to her title as Wrath, she was not really a fiery, angry person filled with hate and loathing. Rather, she was a fiery, boisterous, rough person with a quick temper, especially when she feels she was slighted in some way. [color=8dc73f]Background:[/color] - [color=8dc73f]Current Story:[/color] She woke to a soldier grabbing her roughly off the ground. Almost by reflex, her temper flared, murdering him and the few others with him in a fit of rage, before she calmed down. By then she realized she had no idea why she was in this forest, or why that soldier was treating her so roughly. Her lack of memory about her past was worrying as well. Without a direction or any sort of knowledge on what she was supposed to be doing, she took to making that part of the forest habitable for her. Building a nice, if rough looking, house somewhere near the banks of a waterfall, she stayed there, going out once in a while to get what she can from trading with the nearest town, and 'liberating' some items off any cargo she might find wandering the roads around the forest. Her forest home was surprisingly comfortable, quite a contrast with how it looked on the outside. [color=8dc73f]Weapon:[/color] An odd two handed sword that glows red whenever she takes it out of the scabbard. It was not the glowing blade that was strange, but that every part of the sword were extremely durable, including the gold on it. She herself knows not why the sword glows nor why the soft gold was as hard as the metal used for the blade, for the sword was claimed from a pile of treasure in a long forgotten raid on some monsters. [color=8dc73f]Ability:[/color] Her ability is called Airburst. With it she could create explosions within her line of sight within the range of 100m.[/hider]