[b]Name[/b]: [i]Belaro[/i] [b]Epithets[/b]: [i]The Storyteller, The Wandering One, Silver tongue, The Reveler, The Lover, Prince of a Thousand Songs, The Guide, The Golden Haired, The Thousand Named One, The Golden One, God of Whores and Thieves, He of the Open Road, The Sailor, Bards Friend, The First Actor, The Fool, Friend of Wives and Mothers. [/i] [b]Player Name[/b]: SypherKhode822 [b]Domains (Portfolios)[/b]: [i]Culture[/i] [Storytelling] [i]Discovery[/i] [Traveling] [b] Alignment[/b]: [i]Neutral Good.[/i] He's a fan of creating amazing stories, which typically involves tragedy, but in the end he wants people to flourish and return home to tell the stories. [b]Symbol(s)[/b]: [i]Migratory birds, a lit lantern, musical instruments, walking sticks, roads, crossroads, specific constellations used in navigation, a clear sky, a calm ocean, a distant peak, fools gold.[/i] [hider=Appearance] Belaro is a shapeshifter, and will appear in any physical form he likes. When he manifests as a sentient race, he prefers to be a young male of an athletic build. Many times he will appear with long red hair. He will typically have a musical instrument or walking stick with him. In all of his manifestations as a sentient race, he will be wearing fools gold jewelry. No matter what gender, species, or roll Belaro will manifest as, he will almost always be horribly attractive. [/hider] [hider=Personality] Belaro is a convivial god, quick to laughter and slow to anger. He loves acts of bravery, and rewards those who are daring. Belaro is the patron of artists, be they royal painters or illiterate nomadic storytellers around a campfire. He delights in creating beautiful things, from the details of a blooming meadow flower to the soaring peaks of mountain ranges. While he enjoys a secret for a some time, he prefers it when mysteries are ultimately uncovered. He loves travelers, and will often intercede to make sure that they arrive at their destination properly. This does not mean he is always benevolent. If his ire is risen, he will make someones life a living hell. Belaro will frequently take mortal lovers, and vainly prides himself on his sexual prowess. [/hider] [hider=Dogma] Belaro is rarely a god worshiped by kings and queens dwelling contently behind sturdy walls. His followers are those who live with a certain edge of uncertainty, of chance. Wanderers will wear a necklace of fools gold to gain his protection. Innkeepers keep shrines in his honor in corners of the inn. The sacred contract between hosts and guests are kept in his name. Artists from all walks of life and all forms dedicate public displays of their art to him. Sailors wear earrings of pyrite, and sea captains have figurines of their loved ones made in fools gold, so they are kept in the mind of the god. When someone makes a great discovery, they are said to be 'Blessed by Belaro'. It is popular to curse in his name, because he's the most likely to laugh it off. Although if one angers Belaro, they will rarely dare leave eye shot of their home, lest they never find their way back to it for ten years. Nomadic birds are said to be auguries of Belaro's intention, and are frequently studied by holy people for insight into the god's mood. [/hider]