[hider=Reagan Rose Harper] [center][img]https://s4.postimg.org/qyiid49bh/Reagan.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name[/b] [indent][color=ffeddf]Reagan Rose Harper[/color][/indent] [b]Physical Description [/b] [indent][color=ffeddf] Reagan's hair holds natural yet brilliant shades of copper with golden tones throughout; while eyes hold a creamy jade hue. These vibrant signature colors pop on their own allowing her to nix outfits with bright shades. Fearing she'd look like the inside of a crayola carton she has cut color out of her wardrobe altogether over the years. She's fairly self conscious about being a red head which has lead to her fashion choices or lack thereof. Besides navel and ear piercings there is nothing peculiar or noteworthy about Reagan's body modifications. Anything other than that would have caused an ass whooping by her father. [/color][/indent] [b]Age[/b] [indent][color=ffeddf]20[/color][/indent] [b]Occupation[/b] [indent][color=ffeddf]Farm hand[/color][/indent] [b]Background[/b] [indent][color=ffeddf]According to Reagan, life is like a country song. Nimble fingers used to play violin while her sweet voice sang heartfelt lyrics about growing up on a busy farm, dealing with heartbreak, and spending time with her loving family. Born a twin into a family of six and the only girl among the flock excluding her mother. The Harper's raised their rambunctious children while also managing to home school them on one of the largest farms in Idaho. The 11th largest to be exact. From this lifestyle Reagan learned discipline along with a bundle of skills and freedom. Time on the farm would be spent tending to three types of crops and raising cattle. Pastimes included rigorous hunting with her father and brothers. Although not afraid to get dirty and play in the mud she also enjoyed keeping both feet on dry land as well. Mrs. Harper taught Reagan that having a 'girly' side was perfectly acceptable too. Her mother was the most elegant woman she knew and she aimed to become just like her. Naturally her twin brother Roth and her became bestfriends over the years. She was often teased for having red hair though Roth never was. An air of confidence surrounded him his whole life and it always lured people. Fortunately, Roth's self-reliance eventually passed to Reagan. Not many were attracted to her until she learned this characteristic. It was thanks to him she learned her social ways and became popular with the locals. Many nights the duo would run away from home to gather with friends. Reagan enjoyed these non complex moments in life best. Lounging about on a rotted deck overlooking a sparkling river, drinking lukewarm beers her older friends would legally purchase, and gaze at the moon-time well spent. Nothing fancy was needed to make this simple country girl happy. Many teenagers were so angst driven and loathed life except Reagan. Everyday she felt a happiness and freedom most people her age never experienced. Even though the good times were fleeting she had experienced a fulfilling life. A few years later Roth set off to Oregon to make his dream come true. His knowledge of car mechanics would pay the bills while scouted for band mates. Although they had planned to start this project together, Reagan could not leave her ailing father's side. Before his departure Roth and Reagan exchanged custom gifts for their birthday. A violin for Reagan and a guitar for Roth with matching designs-an item she never parts with. A nightmare soon set in on the Harper farm. Not one month went by without a tragedy. Mr. and Mrs. Harper passed from drinking contaminated cow$s milk. Ethan and Travis, her last remaining family in Idaho left one afternoon to help with a neighboring crop wild fire-only to never return. When the flames settled a search went underway only turning up a number of unrecognizably scorched bodies. Life became isolating on the farm with no one to keep her company. What animals not torn apart from ravenous wolves ended up turning on her from infection. This left her with no other choice but to end their lives. It was a day she would never forget. Each hour dragged on as she emptied 22. caliber rounds into cattle she had known nearly all her life. Having to put down the once loyal family hunting dogs pushed Reagan over the edge however, and caused her to turn the gun on herself. By some miracle a jam locked up the rifle leaving her unable to end her life. Reagan screamed at the horizon cursing God while dropping to her knees in uncontrollable sobs of anguish. She had to get away from this land and seek out signs of life. She couldn't live like this anymore especially with all the lingering memories. She had to find her twin brother in Oregon, he was her only hope. An image of Roth within her mind was all it took to bring back some sanity. This got her feet moving again and out of the desolate countryside. Packing up her truck she drove off toward Baptiste Valley. [/color][/indent] [b]Skills and Talents[/b] [b]Social Butterfly[/b] [indent][color=ffeddf]Not only does Reagan enjoy making new acquaintances she full on flourishes from social interactions. This charismatic creature will go out of her way to introduce herself and make new faces feel welcome-especially at parties. Multitasking relationships isn't difficult for her. She's been known to flutter to multiple functions in one night to spend quality time with close friends. Meandering around parties enjoying a good laugh with outrageous company is all fine and dandy but Reagan's no fool. She's not in denial about who her true friends are. Out of the many she socialized with less than two could be trusted and those people never stuck around. It takes a lot to become someone she actually confides in. [/color][/indent] [b]Jill of all trades[/b] [indent][color=ffeddf]A surprisingly quick learner she took to guns fairly well at a young age. All that time spent on target practice left her shooting with the best of them. Not only does she know her way around a handgun and rifle, but efficiency with daggers also come in handy at the end of a successful hunt. Reagan can hold a perfectly normal conversation while slicing and digging around a carcass without becoming squeamish. From skinning, using daggers, and first aid Reagan can be useful somewhere. She is knowledgeable about farm equipment and has had some luck with fixing automobiles- courtesy of her twin brother. Unfortunately, she only knows the basics of the skills she possesses excluding firearms and farming. [/color][/indent] [b]Gunslinger girl[/b] [indent][color=ffeddf]Growing up with firearms and a family that used them on a daily basis was the norm. Surrounded by gun toting country folk almost 24 hours a day has caused a biased perspective. This solidifies the fact that discussing any negative outlook on guns would prove futile and possibly hazardous to a naysayers health. Along with a resolute pro gun opinion she is quite efficient with rifles, handguns, and she isn't afraid to use them. [/color][/indent] [b]Weaknesses and Faults[/b] [b]Semi Dependent[/b] [indent][color=ffeddf] Reagan does not cope very well by herself though she is capable of survival on her lonesome to an extent. She thrives on socialization, which boosts her moral and mental state. Anything involving company can lift her spirits and bring a smile to her face. [/color][/indent] [b]Fear of heights & airplanes[/b] [indent][color=ffeddf]Due to a small-scale crash mid air Reagan has been unable to gain a pilots license to become a crop duster. This event created an intense fear of heights and planes. Mr. Harper put hope into his daughter taking over dusting when he became too feeble since his sons were much too reckless. Her father, disappointed in Reagan's recent phobia, never let up. He constantly told Reagan to 'get over it' and conquer her cowardice. To this day the very sight of planes make her nauseous. [/color][/indent] [b]Asthmatic[/b] [indent][color=ffeddf]A bothersome condition one would not wish to have in the midst of a global disaster. Sprinting for long periods of time can cause flare ups of asthma. Something so little as jumping out of bed to take a shower has caused coughing so severe she's passed out. Her illness is not so grave as to cause much concern-just irritating nonetheless and her diagnosis is non life threatening. While each negative symptom that stems from her medical condition is not enough to mentally stop her; often she'll still try to advance through, but sometimes it gets the best of her physically. [/color][/indent] [b]Personality[/b] [indent][color=ffeddf]Reagan is an equal mash up of her parents. Charisma and humility come from her mother's side while diligence with an aptitude for hard work are traits of her father. She's affable and empathetic to everyone she meets no matter how unique or what walk of life they are in. Although she hails from the backcountry her curiosity of humanity has broadened her mind; not like many of her chauvinistic friends. Her tolerance of people is almost saintly, but that's not to say she won't straighten someone out if they disrespect her. [/color][/indent] [/hider]