[b]Name:[/b] Pietro Parkour (italian/york) [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Souls:[/b] Spiderman, Hank Pym, Colossus [b]Occupation:[/b] Exterminator [b]Personality[/b] Inventive and curious. He has studied bugs to remove them better and made inventions to help with that. Not just insects but animals as well, "building a better mousetrap". [b]History[/b] God, he hates bugs! It started with living in an apartment full of ants or roaches, it depended on who was living next to him. When they got the miracle of moving to a suburb, he got trapped by a wasps nest. When the medics arrived, he was on deaths door with venom. A month later, when he finally left the hospital, he went out of his way to not only rid his house of bugs, but as many neighbors homes as well. When he turned 18, he apprenticed for the local poison-sprayer and have been stomping roaches ever since.