>.> Mmmk, so I have a few ideas for a couple of different sins, though I'm not going to double character unless we really need to (doesn't look the case). I'll just throw them up one at a time as I'm more or less satisfied with it until one sticks or receives special notice for reworking. So, without further ado: [hider=Ms Pride][color=BC8F8F]Name:[/color] Thea Maerilin [img]http://i.imgur.com/8Q546kW.jpg[/img] [color=BC8F8F]Age:[/color] 24 [color=BC8F8F]Sin:[/color] Pride [color=BC8F8F]Height:[/color] 177 cm [color=BC8F8F]Weight:[/color] 63 kg [color=BC8F8F]Hair Color:[/color] Red [color=BC8F8F]Eye Color:[/color] Amber [color=BC8F8F]Gender:[/color] Female [color=BC8F8F]Written Appearance: [/color] Head held high, she produces a confident young adult body that reaches eye-level to most men her appeared age. Her skin remains nigh blemish free, though there is a telltale scar that runs down a bit from her right shoulder. Another piercing wound below her right knee, covered by her leggings. She prefers the lighter, more revealing outfits; letting her body breathe and move unrestricted. [color=BC8F8F]Brand Appearance: [/color] Sitting proudly on the back of her ungloved right hand rests a solid triangle sitting in the midst of a thick bordered, perfect circle. [color=BC8F8F]Personality: [/color] Sure-fire in everything she does, she allows nothing to hold her back and gives everything her all, though she aims to fight fairly. She knows she may not win every time, but it would be an insult to her and her opponent for giving anything less than 98%. And so long as there isn't any severe consequences, i.e. meaningless death, she will accept any challenge. Contrary to her confidence, there are things in the world she has little care for. Morals are one such example. Self-serving reasons and small talk are pointless when compared to what can be told over the purity of battle, and management and other white collar jobs (although needed) is boring, mindless work for the weak and cowardly. [color=BC8F8F]Background:[/color] TBA? [color=BC8F8F]Current Story: [/color] Thea spends her time in a quiet little village roughly 20 miles away from the capitol. Therein lies nothing except field workers and the occasional soldier recruitment post for the boys who tire of the country life. Thea doesn't mind too much that her memory is gone of days past, she takes each day as it comes by drinking at the tavern or fighting in town brawls when the place has become too much of a rut. Her mind lingers time to time on joining the capitol guard when the recruiters come around, but is always met with her distaste for it being too organized and repressive of any real love for war. [color=BC8F8F]Weapon:[/color] - As her main weapon, she wields a simple katana with her right hand that comes to a fine point at the tip of the normal 60cm blade. It is guard-less with a worn and beaten handle, though the blade remains in good shape. It has no scabbard, though occasionally covered with cloth to protect it from the elements. - An additional armament held by her left hand is a purely golden buckler shield with the weight of 1000 elephants when not wielded by its true owner. [color=BC8F8F][u]The Guardian of Velocrere[/u][/color] is Thea's personal arc that never tarnishes and never breaks, but instead is imbued with magical properties. First on the list is it's ability to heal Thea proportional to the amount of damage it would take when a physical force is struck against the outer shell. Second, the shield has the ability to disperse and dissipate magical energy that hits it, also protecting against blocked fireballs and curses laid on the shield itself. [color=BC8F8F]Ability[/color]: - Accretion of Valor [indent] For each allied soul in her presence, she receives a bonus to her natural strength, defense, and endurance.[/indent][/hider]