[img]http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2012/353/4/e/cosy_bar_by_adamkuczek-d5ojg4s.jpg[/img] -In the "Basta" bar, south of Racoon City- Janette was walking through the city as any other normal day, she was holding her younger sister's hand when she suddenly started to cough, Janette tried to ask if she was okay but the girl stepped away from her, she noticed the girl's nose was dripping blood and obviously ran at her and held her shoulders. The girl uncovered her mouth and nose and suddenly bit Janette in the neck "THE HELL!!" "..." "Damn....It was just a nightmare...." After meeting the other survivors in the street the group decided to hide inside a bar, due to long hours of work Janette had fell asleep in a corner, someone even covered her with an old blanket. Janette looked at her hands, she was holding her hammer tightly, yet her hands were shaking, she slowly stood up, still covering herself with the blanket, took a quick look through the window blind and then walked towards the others.