Ivan sighed, but nodded, heading back into the caravan. Everything was thrown about haphazardly inside after the collision before. There wasn't much fresh air inside and it smelled somewhat of unwashed humans and their byproducts. Ivan had had quite enough of the cramped old caravan, but Jameson was right. It would only be worse for everyone if he went and got sick, which he was more than likely to given his current condition and the weather outside. Being asthmatic and very young besides, Ivan was likely a bit more prone to disease and infection than the others. He shook the rain off himself, folding up Raven's coat and setting it gently on the floor. He then cleared a space in the clutter for himself to sit down, deeply regretting not having more sets of clothes. The ones he had on were the only ones he could afford, and they were soaking wet and sticking to his pale skin uncomfortably. He sighed miserably, squirming around a bit to try and find a comfortable position on the tilted floor.