[@tsukune] (Heh, another way we're similar. I think being a leader and being a mastermind more or less go hand in hand; without that sort of intelligence and detail a person can't be an effective leader, outside of day to day situations anyway. More specifically... I don't think a person can be a real leader without being a mastermind unless they have a sort of strategist as a confidant, and since it's not in my nature to do things anyone's way but my own... yeah, the rest is obvious. I'm more like the reclusive philosopher/detective/whatever type, but since I refuse to follow other people nor live by anyone's terms but my own (I'm also very stubborn), when a leader needs to come to the surface it usually ends up being me. Some people also seem to think I'm charismatic... even though I don't see it myself. I definitely understand the whole idea of your society not tolerating clashing opinions though, so it makes sense on your end. When you learn more about my past, you find out that even though I didn't come from a society like that I still grew up pretty much having my opinions and my freedom completely supressed; I've broken free from it all now, but I really was locked in a cage most of my life, per se. Take your time with the PM reply (like I said in a previous comment here, no need to stress yourself; I won't pretty well under pressure but I don't see a point forcing you to rush a response). I'd be lying if I said I'm not looking forward to it, but I'm still waking up on my end.) Six hundred and sixty-two.