[hider=Lotte] [center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/PE9r2um.png[/img] [h2] [color=daa520] [u][b] Lotte ⛨ Chaubert [/b][/u] [sup][sup][b]Height:[/b] 142 cm ⛨ [b]Weight:[/b] 40 kg ⛨ [b]Age:[/b] 13 years[/sup][/sup] [/color] [/h2] [/center] [color=daa520][u][sub][b]N A M E [/b][/sub][/u][/color] [color=cccccc][indent]Lotte Chaubert.[/indent][/color] [color=daa520][u][sub][b]G E N D E R [/b][/sub][/u][/color] [color=cccccc][indent]Female.[/indent][/color] [color=daa520][u][sub][b]R A C E [/b][/sub][/u][/color] [color=cccccc][indent]Kitsune.[/indent][/color] [color=daa520][u][sub][b]A P P E A R A N C E [/b][/sub][/u][/color] [color=cccccc][indent][color=daa520][i]— "Maid uniforms are really cool, aren't they?"[/i][/color] Lotte is indeed a hard to miss figure, or maybe not, given that she's barely about the waist height of most humans. Then again, a petite, silver-haired, golden-eyed fox girl is a sight that few would forget, especially when it's one as cute and deadpan as Lotte, whose round face makes she look even younger. Obviously, the most eye catching of Lotte's feature's are her fox ears and tail which are as pristine as her hair, which she keeps tied in a ponytail to make work easier and cleaner. Nine out of ten times that you'd see Lotte she'll be wearing her [url=http://i.imgur.com/u6GoP2P.png]maid outfit[/url] in an impeccable fashion, making her the perfect image of a maid that all noble houses would like to have. She wouldn't be able to work if even a single button was out of place. As expected of a maid, Lotte usually wears boots designed to help her keep a good balance, in fact she kind of dislikes high heels, her favorite off-duty shoes being mostly perfect polished mary janes, because of how pretty and shinny they look. Lastly, Lotte always wears thighhigh stockings and garters, to keep her legs warm, though these details usually aren't very easy to notice because of her dress. When she's out of Field expeditions, Lotte still keeps her maid uniform, as pristine and perfect as ever, but then she also wears a suit of shining plate armor with delicate red trims that protects her torso and hips, along with gauntlets and greaves. Her combat gear also includes a shield, emblazoned with the Chaubert family's crest. She wields a heavy flanged mace as primary weapon. All of Lotte's arms are of very high quality and kept well-groomed by herself.[/indent][/color] [color=daa520][u][sub][b]P E R S O N A L I T Y [/b][/sub][/u][/color] [color=cccccc][indent][color=daa520][i]— "Sir, please, try not to do anything too harsh."[/i][/color] Lotte's can be best described as a laidback and cool person. Perhaps a bit too cool to say the truth, or just unenergetic... whatever. Either way, the fact is that Lotte is usually calm and collected, to the point of causing some people to wonder if she's not sleepwalking sometimes. The thing is that Lotte is a girl like any other her age but her introverted —read, stoic— nature makes it hard for her to express her feelings toward others which leads to the impression that Lotte is cold when it's not true. It's not impossible to catch some of the rare moments when Lotte's barrier is weak, though. She's specially vulnerable when offered sweets or if someone pets her head. Lotte's smile is said to be very heartwarming, the problem is that you'll have to deal with a sulking maid who might end up pouring hot tea on your pants by [i]'accident'[/i], if you make fun of Lotte because of that.[/indent][/color] [color=daa520][u][sub][b]B I O [/b][/sub][/u][/color] [color=cccccc][indent][color=daa520][i]— "Huh, me? I'm not anyone special, sir."[/i][/color] Lotte was born in a village deep within a mountain range that borders the kingdom. For most of her childhood, Lotte lived like any other girl of her age, helping her parents tend to the fields, learning housekeeping skills with her mother and playing with the other children when there was time for it. Her home village was a pacific place known for the quality of their hot springs, sheep, and beer, so they prospered without any real hardships, aside from some occasional mood swing of the weather. However, their hard earned happiness was a fleeting one, for the world is actually a harsh and unforgiving place. Such truth would become more evident than ever when Lotte's village was raided by mercenaries that were returning from an unsuccessful campaign into the lands that lay beyond the mountains. All those who weren't killed, were enslaved and later sold on the black market, including Lotte and her mother. To Lotte's luck, she was freed by a group of adventurers led by a knight-smith named Henry Chaubert, who adopted her and helped Lotte find a new way in life. Eventually, this led to Lotte coming to work as a maid and bodyguard at the famous Seishun Academy, helping the other students in and out of Field missions as she tried to repay her new father, who was once a distinguished student of this same academy, with her work.[/indent][/color] [color=daa520][u][sub][b]S P E C I A L T Y [/b][/sub][/u][/color] [color=cccccc][indent][color=daa520][i]— "Your tea is ready, sir. Would you prefer sugar or honey to go with it?"[/i][/color] Kitsune are a powerful spiritual race, even a youngling such as Lotte is much stronger than she looks. In fact, she's about twice as strong and though as an adult man, which helps with carrying heavy stuff around the academy, as well as when going on Field missions. Aside from being more capable than normal humans on a physical basis, Lotte is also a very competent maid being well versed in all kinds of housekeeping skills. Lastly, she's knowledgeable about a lot of subjects thanks to the fact that she enjoys reading a lot. No wonder why she's one of the most requested helpers in the whole academy.[/indent][/color] [/hider]