As Clara walked towards the bar, Jaden watched her for a moment. He quickly turned his attention away, however, in order to scan the V.I.P sections for his friend, squinting his eyes a bit as he happened to look right into one of the many bright lights that were spread all around the place. That was going to get annoying real quick. Taking another breath to calm himself, he walked around the other patrons as he made his way up. He was held up for a moment by some more bouncers, but once again,a ll he need to do was flash the invite and he was let in without any fuss. Looking around the tables and chairs, he soon saw his friend, James, sitting in a corner booth, flanked on both sides by beautiful women of all kinds. James was an older-looking man, with a short but thick beard of coarse black hair. His own hair was slicked back in a manner similar to Jaden, but much tighter, much more controlled. He smile, a line of white surrounded by darkness, grew two sizes as he saw Jaden walking up. "See girls, I told you he was coming." "This is the friend you were talking about?" Said one of the women, her blonde hair flowing down her shoulders like a cascade of gold, eye as blue as the sky staring at him with curiosity. Another, similar looking girl(her sister?), though her hair had been dyed pink near the ends, gave Jaden a look that started at his feet and went up to the crown of his head. "I was expecting someone older, like, your age." "Hah, don't let his looks deceive you gals, he's older than he looks and [i]very[/i] experienced." James gave Jaden a look that need no interpretation. With a blush on his face and a pull at his collar, he pulled up a chair from one of the other booth to sit across from his friend. While a bit nervous, he reclined in his seat, trying to thing of a good response for his friend's . . . suggestion. [color=Ivory]"James, I appreciate the endorsement but I'm not hear for that. I just need sometime out of the estate and-."[/color] "Bah, enough of that." James interrupted, waving off Jaden's words and reaching under the table. "I'm telling you, the best way to unwind is with a woman at your side and fine wine in your belly. Now come and share a drink with me, eh?" The older-looking man would pull out a huge bottle of fine red wine, fumbling around in his pocket until he found the cork-screw. Once it was popped open, James would take a large swig, straight from the bottle, before handing it across the table to Jaden. "Come on, you're never going to have fun if you're sober." [color=Ivory]"Well, if you insist."[/color] Jaden took the bottle, taking a much more measured sip before passing it back. [color=Ivory]You're really supposed to drink wine from a glass, though."[/color] "Psh, I *hick* don't see why" Jaden, James, and the women that surrounding James would talk for a bit longer, passing around the wine bottle, and ordering for more drinks as time passed on. With each sip, Jaden felt himself began to worry less and less about the times, simple letting himself be swept up in the flow of everything. After sometime, Jaden found himself feeling a rather strong buzz while most of the others were flat out hammered, as the conversation had devolved into a drinking contest half-way through and Jaden didn't remember to mention that it was extremely hard for him to get drunk. A side-effect of his particular condition of immortality, his body was extremely resistant too most harmful substances, chief among them being alcohol. Getting up from his seat, Jaden gave a swift good-bye before making his way to the dance floor. His steps were quick and sure, his gait much more confident and dominant then usually. His eyes shining with a predatory gleam as he glided into the thick throng of bodies on the dance floor. Like a black river, he flowed through them all, icy eyes searching through the crowd for a target. A chill would go through those who were near him as he began to change, the process hidden by the drunken states of those around him, the flashing lights, and the rapid movements. His white hair turned black as the night, shadows seem to sprout from his clothes in trailing wisps that clung to his form, his skin would darken to a warm caramel color, and his eyes would shift to a glowing crimson for a split-second, then settle into a warm hazel. [color=Gold][i]Hmmm. . . so many choices, so little time. Maybe I should try and find that Clara girl, see how long she can stand against my advances?[/i][/color] A chuckle came from Jaden's body as the demon inside, Asmodeus, suddenly reached out a grabbed a woman's hand, pulling him towards her. Any protest she might've had was silenced as she glanced into his hazel eyes, a flash of crimson passing over her gaze as she fell under his spell. Once she was his, Asmodeus was quick to start dancing with her, drawing her in closer and closer as their movements became more and more intimate. Flesh yearned to touch flesh as they pressed against each other, Asmodeus kissing the side of her neck as she began to push her ass against him. His mouth would move up closer and closer to her mouth, with her moaning slightly, unable to resist the pull of his presence, his aura of lust and desire. But right before it seemed like he was going to kiss her, he pulled away, spinning her around before pulling her back in. This teasing dance would continue for a little while, the demon taking his time to play with this woman's emotions and desires, but would ultimately leave her for another in order to start the process all over again. With each new partner, there was one left behind who was overcome with a voracious lust built up within them, but no release. As such, they'd leave the dancefloor in search of someone who could satisfy their urges, attacking random men and women across the club in their lustful hunger.