Slipping quietly through the foliage the invisible elf moved aside a large frond and peered upon a sudden gathering in a small clearing. The goblins she had sidestepped before and allowed to continue had captured a pair of adventurers and was in the midst of lashing their limbs. Then came another thing... a hobgoblin? No. It was a goblin the size of a hobgoblin! Ouch. Then they began arguing. The invisible elf had to wonder what they were all doing here. Were they tracking her? Did they just happen to stumble across her path? Did they have any idea that all her clothes and equipment were just over the rise. Worse still were the notebooks. Her notes on the the magician's keep were there. She then considered helping but how could she. Her invisibility spell was fragile. Any form of attack would end it and what could she do? Charm one of the goblins? What would be the point? She could daze one, or perhaps summon her own goblins to attack and cause a ruckus but all that would endanger her. Maybe an illusion? Technically that wouldn't be an attack. She could do that but an illusion of what? For now though, she would see what the big goblin did.