[hider=Order of The Steel Maiden] Faction: Imperial Loyalist Force Type: Sisters of Battle Force Name: Order Of The Steel Maiden Leaders: Leaders/point of views: Canoness Superior [url=http://img14.deviantart.net/060e/i/2015/286/e/6/adepta_sororitas_by_mizoro-d9cy7wl.png]Veruya[/url] Veruya first began her career in the Adepta Sororitas in the order Hospitaller, in which she obtained a great degree of medical knowledge. After a rear field camp was overrun by heretic forces and she was forced to aid in fighting them off Veruya caught the eye of a Canoness. She was later offered a position in the Orders Militant. Something she had always wanted, but had failed to enter in the original trials. She proved a surprisingly competent soldier. Studying numerous manuals of war-- later expanding her skill in tactics and strategy after being taken under the wing of a veteran Celestian. It would be years later before she became a Canoness herself overlooking a minor order of her very own. Veruya cares deeply for her fellow sisters under arms and is known to value the lives of non-combatant citizens of the empire. Looking to offer aid to them where and when she can. She sees it as her duty as a daughter of the Emperor to look after his subjects, however, she can. Caring though merciless to her foes. Canoness Superior Veruya is a remarkable warrior, tactician, and a stern believer in the light of the Emperor. So strong and pure is her faith she has proven to overcome the odds countless times. Even in her current state she still strives to uphold the will of the Emperor whenever she can. Canoness Preceptor [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/db/f2/92/dbf29270aa4f644d38a953336133ddbe.jpg]Katolis[/url] Canoness Preceptor [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/38/3f/3c/383f3cdc629eb33a9c074c37e77e746c.jpg]Gwynira[/url] Mistress of Repentance [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/0e/1e/4e/0e1e4e8ae2121d8bfdcea62805512811.jpg]Essael[/url] Seraphim Superior [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/e7/cf/5c/e7cf5c2c1e53caadddfa81e514ab642a.jpg]Amarya[/url] [hider=Troops] Since before its inception the Order of the Steel Maiden has adapted the use of close air support units that disrupt enemy movment and cause enough dissary to allow their fellow sisters into close combat. Most pushes begin with a rush with dedicated transports that bring advanced units into range and remain to offer heavy support. The Orders colors are simple dull or darker grays and they favor fast hit and run tactics with small surgical strikes with elite fighting fast attack teams like Seraphim who often target soft and vital enemy targets. Total Order Strength is 2004 - Led by the Canoness Superior Total Preceptory Convents is 2 - each lead by a Canoness Preceptors. A Preceptory is 1000 sisters strong Total Commandery Convents is 10 - each lead by a Canoness Commander. A Commandery is 200 sisters strong Total Mission Convents; Approx 334 - each lead by a Canoness. Six sister squads Battle Sister: 1000 [Power armour, bolt pistol, boltgun, frag grenades, krak grenades.] 100 armed with Heavy flamers 300 armed with Heavy bolter Sisters Repentia: 300 [Eviscerator] Dominions: 300, [Power armour, bolt pistol, storm bolters, frag grenades, krak grenades.] 70 come with [Meltaguns] 20 come with [Heavy flamers] Retributors: 200, [Power armour, bolt pistol, heavy bolters,frag grenades, krak grenades, melta Bombs.] 100 armed with Multi-meltas Seraphim: 150, [Power armour, two bolt pistols, frag grenades, krak grenades, jump pack.] 50 armed with Hand Flamers Celestians: 54, [Power armour, bolt pistol, boltgun, frag grenades, krak grenades, melta bombs] 21 armed with Meltaguns 10 armed with [Storm shields and Blessed Weapons] [/hider] [hider=Vehicles] Immolator 60 [Twin-linked heavy flamer, searchlight, smoke launchers] 20 Immolators also armed with [Twin-linked multi-meltas] Rhino 100 [Storm bolter, searchlight, smoke launchers] Exorcist 10 [Exorcist missile launcher, searchlight, smoke launchers] *The Angelus Domini is Veruya's personal exorcist.* Penitent Engines 30 [Two Dreadnought close combat weapons with built-in heavy flamers] Valkyrie Airborne Assault Carrier 30 [Hull mounted Multi-laser, 2x door-mounted Heavy bolters, 2x Hellstrike Missiles, Rocket Pods] Avenger Strike Fighter 20 [x2 Avenger bolt cannon, x2 Lascannons] Total 170 [/hider] Planet: We shall see!! Sectors: We Shall See!! Force History: The order began as a splinter force of Order of the Valorous Heart on a desert world with a major hive city. Their original goal being to clean the region of a large ork hoard and reclaim a lost relic. The war took the better part of two standard years until Canoness Superior Veruya finally defeated the ork warboss Big Hamma’ Klog.Though she was greatly wounded in the process-- becoming mortally wounded. Once they had secured the world they order went about aiding in the hive worlds recovery. Despite their eventual success and best effort, the people suffered greatly during the war. The contingent of sisters took the guilt of every life they failed to save unto themselves and vowed to make up for the failure if the Emperor would but grant them a chance to do so. This mindset of penance has cause a large degree of Repentia to both flock and appear within the Sororitas stationed on the planet. It would be several years before they heard of the crusade called out to reclaim the Varulius system. After requesting special permission from the Ecclesiarchy Veruya founded a new order and started to build up her forces to join the crusade for the Varulius system. Allies: (This is pretty much a given for any Imperium forces, so Chaos/Malice Only)[/hider]