[hider=BGM]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBXTxJQGwjw[/hider] A line from a film Tony saw some years back seems perfectly made for this place: 'One foot in the grave, the other sinking into the mud.' Half-dead, tired, and slowly going under. Tony stares up at the ceiling from a cheap mattress with mostly clean sheets. He moved from a decent apartment to one bordering on the cheapest to keep the costs low enough without risking what little he has left. Peeking through the blinds are neon lights from local businesses of varying reputation. Makes it hard to sleep at night when regret and disgust aren't the cause instead. This is what he gave up a decent life for? No one could predict the colony getting cut off like this. Eden is the perfect escape. A world - any world - he wants for a reasonable fee. He can forget his shitty apartment. He can forget how he got fired. He can even forget how the city's gone to shit in a handbasket. Then he gets dragged out of that wonderful piece of Heaven and back into this miserable Hell. It feels like Tony leaves a piece of his soul behind each time. Its a mystery what will happen when he's finally sucked dry. Maybe he'll die. Maybe he is already dead. Maybe the colony didn't get cut off but instead was blown up. Maybe Nino's in Hell. Sure feels like it and the difference between life and Eden makes it hurt all the more. But dead or alive the world as governed by Tritech demands money. Dead or alive there's still Tyre goons demanding another pound of flesh. Dead or alive... he has to get up in the morning and do odd-jobs between his shifts at the Station. Sleep, as usual these days for Nino, is agonizingly slow to come.