[h2][u]Zanavy's questionnaire[/u][/h2] (will edit to fill out questions as I go) [hider=My Hider] 1. What was your first RP character? My first RP was on this site but under a different username. The character was a teen Pokemon trainer named Rina. The made-up region's evil team had just hired her as a spy, and she posed as a normal beginning trainer. She had an Oshawott. Rina was timid and nervous while Oshawott was bold, thus beginning my typical dynamic of contrasting personalities between trainer and starter Pokemon. 2. Which of your characters was your favorite to play? I can't choose between Tavi the Shadow/Ex-Shadow Zangoose (forum), Peter the Celebi (same forum), and Cyrwox4js (pronounced "Voice", formerly pronounced "Z") the Tiefling cleric (LARP). They were/are all particularly fun and interesting. 3. Which of your characters was the most successful/popular among other people in the group? Again, hard choice between Peter and Cyrwox4js, because both were/are really popular among the players. I think I have to give it to Cyrwox4js because the group of people is bigger. 4. Which of your characters was the biggest flop? Hannah the Fox (Sonic 1-on-1) and Mercury Light the unicorn (MLP forum). Both were attempts to RP in canons I didn't know very well. I felt afraid to stretch those canons, so both characters ended up as boring, Sue-ish, quasi-self-inserts. Bleh. 5. Which of your characters would be the victor in an ultimate battle between all your RP characters? Some of my questions are tricky, aren't they? XD Well, I guess the victor would have to be powerful enough to stay in the fight and cunning enough to not be an early target. Maybe Peter. Maybe Presselae the half-elf bard (tabletop), especially now that the DM made her a lich after I left the group... I still don't know how that happened. XD Maybe the third major NPC that will be introduced in this forum. 6. Which was your favorite ship that a character of yours was involved in? TAVICE. Tavi the Shadow/Ex-Shadow Zangoose and Maurice the Seviper. Tavi's condition suppressed emotions, which made it harder for everyone to be around her... except Sevipers she now felt less hatred towards. Maurice was raised for Pokemon Contests. His training to maintain composure, along with the fact that he knew nothing about his species' history with Zangoose, dulled his hatred. Maurice quickly grew to like Tavi despite- or maybe partially because of- his instincts, and he took it upon himself to take care of the mostly-feral Zangoose. In time, the friendship of Maurice and others restored more and more of Tavi's old self- both the capacity to love and the capacity to hate. It was a hard and beautiful and sometimes mushy ship, and by the end they had overcome their hateful instincts and loved each other back to the Pokemon they were meant to be. :3 7. What was the most diabolical thing a villainous character of yours did? Peter the Celebi did some bad things the year he went psycho. The worst thing I can think of right now is going back in time to kill a Pokemon he had previously been good acquaintances with. Unfortunately, said Pokemon was a Kabutops whose fossil was revived later, so nothing really changed... all that happened was Peter made his own enemy. He did destroy a fossil that could have become the Kabutops's clone. And then there was that time he allowed a Pokemon to become Shadowed, knowing he could use a mindless Houndoom slave later, even though it was his sworn duty to purify Shadow Pokemon. And that time I created a brief self-insert just so Peter could murder the hell out of it. XD XD I think he deserved that one. 8. What was the most heroic thing a heroic character of yours did? I have to give the title to Peter yet again. (His character went all over the place from Neutral-good hero to Evil-crazy villain.) Near the end of his life, he sensed a "ripple in time": a rare occurrence where the timeline of the universe branched as his actions actually could change things. He knew that either himself or one of his daughters would be killed in a certain battle. So, he snapped out of his year-long psycho paranoia and traveled to the date of the battle, where he died. Both his daughters survived. I was proud of Peter for going out as a hero instead of a villain, because it really could've gone either way for him. A strong second place (sorry I keep cheating :P) goes to Four, the timid crippled Chikorita (forum RP). Her friend, who had become a mother figure, had been captured by some evil team. With unmatched bravery, help from a Claydol, and a particularly effective confused condition, Four took down the gang's Hydreigon. With that experience, she became much more comfortable in her own skin and also evolved. 9. What was the craziest thing a character of yours did? I think that prize goes to DJ the Pichu/Pikachu (forum). His mind was twisted from witnessing constant violence since birth, and he became fascinated by death, including his own, from a young age. This made him a dangerously fearless Pokemon who did many crazy things. One of the crazier things is that he had a propensity for allowing large Pokemon to swallow him whole so he could kill them from the inside. He was five years old the first time he did this. Honorable mention goes to Cyrwox4js the Tiefling Cleric. She became fast friends with someone during his first event and even converted him to her faith. She overheard someone saying her name and laughing. Someone was joking about how it would be funny if Cyrwox4js and Azir had a baby, and that it would be a crazy purple fluffball. Cyrwox4js thought it was a great idea, and she started trying for a baby with the guy she met two or three weeks prior. Ten months later, after fighting a war while pregnant and temporarily losing custody of her unborn child to her god, she gave birth to Malikai. 10. What was your saddest RP moment? This one will need a little backstory, so bear with me (if you're even still reading this by now :P). A couple of us were goofing off in the Chat section, and somehow it became Chat canon that I had a baby with the angel of death. His name was Death Jr.- DJ- and he kept making half-cute-half-horrifying comments while eating blood popcorn. After a while, DJ became such a strong presence that I wanted to make him an actual character. Thus, my baby sprung forth from a recurring joke into a Pichu. Fast forward to over a year later. When I knew I had to leave the forum for IRL reasons, I didn't want to just disappear and leave the others to explain why my characters vanished mid-conversation, like many had done before me. I wanted to go out with a bang. So I offered up Peter the Celebi's head to whoever could vanquish him and set the scene for a huuuuuge battle that nearly every player participated in. I planned to kill off several of my characters who were solid members of groups. But, damn... it was [i]really[/i] painful for me to write my psycho baby DJ's death. Already injured, still doggedly chased a foe underground, was crushed by an Earthquake. I was so sad that day, a lunch lady noticed and gave me some reassuring words, not even knowing my grief was about a character, haha. I still felt a little sad just now as I relived it. One of the reasons I feel so sad is, of all my characters on that forum, DJ's future might have been the most up in the air. He could've grown up to be a major supervillain. If he ended up traveling with certain Pokemon, he might've even become a valiant hero. Or, the option that happened, he might have died young (11 years old). I feel a little like I failed DJ, robbed him of a chance to grow up into something better. But DJ had been looking forward to experiencing his own death, and it was a cool one, and I don't think he'd be mad at me for killing him off. There's also one more detail that brings fulfillment to his story, but that's another story for another question. Rest In Adventure, my first fictional child. 11. Which of your characters was the weirdest? Probably Four, the Chikorita/Bayleef. She was based on my favorite glitch Pokemon, "female symbol.". This glitch Pokemon's cry is a creepy, seemingly endless amalgamation of whatever random sounds it pulls from the rest of the game data. Four's egg was partially scrambled, thus, she was born with several defects. One was a seizure-like trance that happened every time she woke up or experienced great stress. During those trances, she spouted out random syllables, sometimes for hours. [/hider]