Alice listened to the others talking, taking in her surroundings. she made mental notes of Atropos' request of darkness and Hez's abilities to light up their eyes. Suddenly creatures began to burst out of the surrounding rotted foods. Alice's face shifted instantly from calm and controlled to psychotic in a flash as soon as the creatures appeared. With a cackle and a leap Alice was rushing towards the specters closest to a nearby wall, chanting a rhyme as she went in a none to friendly tone.... it seemed her voice was deeper oddly enough... Speak roughly to your little girl! ~she sliced through a specter, gaining on the wall~ And beat her when she sneezes! ~she lept up and pushed against the wall~ She only does it to annoy! ~Alice flew upwards, dodging specters~ Because she knows it teases! Wow! wow! wow! ~bracing herself, she smashed through the giant light, plunging them into darkness~ Alice's voice flickered back to her calmer self for a moment. "Hez! ready with that nice light effect yet?" ~as soon as she had spoken, and though she could not see, her rhyme continued~ He speaks severely to his girl.... He beats me when I sneezes.... For I can thoroughly enjoy.... The pepper when I pleases! Alice shifted into a more personal view on the last few verses, and her tone wavered. There was a fear in her voice that hadn't been there before..... [hider=poem source] [url=] search for "Speak Roughly" using the search option. and yes i modified when i used it lol [/hider]