[@Ragenaut] If you want a character over the power of fungi, Botanophobia can be your choice, just more focused around that plant. You can make your character ask the headmasters in the role-play to focus the powers around that, but you still must learn the other lessons along with that ability. If I added Mycophobia, the fear specifically on fungi, it would not have enough powers nor a powerful enough shift to be included. I apologize but in the original interest check Eosophobia, fear of sunlight, was knocked out because I could not think of enough abilities nor the shift for the Phobia. Heliophobia isn't much different, just the fear of any bright light in general, so that is why I'm not allowing it in the role-play. [@Blizz][@SmileyJaws][@Ryuzaki][@Ragenaut] Fortunately, if the current Phobias listed are mostly taken, I will be searching up more fears and thinking of more abilities to add on. If you have only one character you may create your second (but last) Phobia to put into the role-play as a late response to the letter, depending on how far we get into the RP. Some of you may already know this, but I'm repeating it now so you all remember.