Once I'd helped Daisy get into a seat at the table, I moved around to stand behind Nina who sat in front of the maps. It seemed she was much better at reading these than I was. "So what's up?" I asked as Em walked over with a glass of water for Daisy. "Well, if you look here." She pointed to the map that I'd found in this cabin, the cross scratched in red on the detailed drawing. "You thought maybe this might be the cabin we're in..." Nina looked at me and I nodded my head. "Well, if you compare it to this map here-" She pulled over one of the maps I'd grabbed from the base we'd recently left. "-You can see that it's actually some sort of large building. Maybe a warehouse, maybe another base, maybe another abandoned something. Maybe even an underground bunker. I don't know, it's hard to tell." "Maybe that's where whoever lived here went." Joe suggested. "Or avoided." Spencer added, Joe rolled his eyes.