[color=yellow][h2][center]♪♫♪ Cecilia "Cici" Taylor ♪♫♪[/center][/h2][/color] [color=yellow][h3][center]Location: Central City[/center][/h3][/color] [@Zarkun] Humming an upbeat tune, Cici followed, only looking back to check that Forte was behind her. Dulcet had settled on her shoulder again. [color=yellow]"Well, the adventure truly begins,"[/color] she said, petting the Swablu, then looking over her other shoulder at Forte. As she turned her head, the guitar case on her back bumped against Dulcet, who squawked her displeasure. [color=yellow]"Ah! Sorry,"[/color] Cici said as the Swablu fluttered into the air, choosing to fly by her side rather than perch. When she arrived at the familar building, she pulled out her Pokedex and flipped it open. 22 trainer points already. Letting out a slight laugh at the pleasant surprise, she headed into the building. A few minutes later, she emerged with four Pokeballs. According to the Pokedex, one of the requirements she needed for the next rank was a team of six. [color=yellow]"You want to pick up anything else?"[/color] she asked Tommy. He'd probably have enough for more items by now. [hr] [color=hotpink][h2][center]♥ Ellanor "Ella" Beaufort ♥[/center][/h2][/color] [color=hotpink][h3][center]Location: Feyhollow Town[/center][/h3][/color] There the Pokemon was, in its usual spot by the bins outside the pageant hall. It peered out with wide, cautious eyes. When it recognised Ella, its apprehension faded, and it hopped towards her with a happy cry. [color=hotpink]"Hey, little buddy!"[/color] Ella bounded over, pink hair bouncing around her shoulders. Despite the heavy backpack she carried, her footsteps felt light. She was free now, free to begin her journey, and she knew which Pokemon she wanted to be her first. [color=hotpink]"I got you something."[/color] Crouching down, she reached into the pocket of her oversized, threadbare denim jacket. It wasn't so much a pocket as a bright green rag she'd sewn on, but it was useful for storing items. She pulled out a Poketreat, unwrapped it and fed it to the Trubbish. Instead of throwing the wrapper away, she tied it into her hair like a ribbon. Why waste something that glinted such a pretty gold colour in the light? As the Pokemon gobbled up the food, Ella watched in adoration. Those eyes, those twitching ragged ears, what was there not to like about it? Ok, a rubbish bag Pokemon could smell rather unpleasant, but the Trubbish never released a stench around her. So why did Pokemon such as this one often get overlooked? Oh well, it was other people's loss. [color=hotpink]"I have something else, too."[/color] Removing her backpack, Ella took out one of her new items. The Trubbish let out another excited cry at the sight of the Pokeball. [color=hotpink]"How about it? Want to come along?"[/color] Pressing its face against the Pokeball, the Trubbish disappeared into it. [color=hotpink]"Yes!!"[/color] Ella jumped up, holding the Pokeball in the air, her knee-length patchwork dress flowing as she practically danced on the spot. A passer-by stopped, staring in disbelief, wrinkling her nose and shaking her head before walking on. Ignoring her, Ella looked at the Pokeball. [color=hotpink]"You know what they say, one man's trash..."[/color] She thought for a moment. [color=hotpink]"Hey, that's it! I know just what to call you. Come on, Treasure. This is gonna be a big day."[/color]