Hey everyone! I really like the idea of this RP so I made myself a CS. Let me know if I have done anything incorrectly or if something doesn't quite fit or something :) [hider= Cassius Makarov] Name: Cassius Makarov. Gun Enthusiast And Supporting Sniper Appearance: [hider=Appearance] [img]http://pm1.narvii.com/5922/df68ed39a04bb22ed41fd753a31d0f95a2babe36_hq.jpg[/img] [/hider] Age: 26 Origin: The Northern Frontier Height: 6’2” Weight: 183 lbs Backstory: Cassius was born to a militaristic family. His father had been in the military and his father before him and so on. So from birth his career had been decided, he was going to be a soldier. He never knew his mother, as she died due to complications as he was born, but he tried his father and grandfather were around, so he had a stable life, mostly. From a young age they trained him about everything he would need to know to be a soldier. They never gave him a second to rest, and as a result, he hated the idea of being a soldier. The idea of being in the middle of the fight was just disturbing to him. The only thing that he liked about it was the guns. He found that he had a love for weapons, the sheer power that came with a bullet was interesting to him. He found that he much preferred to practice shooting further and further away, never feeling like he had gone far enough. It was as he reached his teens that he confronted his father about his thoughts. Surprisingly enough, his father agreed with him. He had observed his talent for shooting over the years and recommended that Cassius should join up with Special Forces and become a sniper. Cassius still wasn’t very impressed with the idea of becoming a soldier, he liked the idea of shooting, but killing was something he didn’t know if he could live with. It was when his father was killed in the line of duty that he came to a conclusion. His father and their squad had been flanked and picked off without any warning. So Cassius decided he would become a sniper, so that he could keep an eye on the battlefield and keep his allies safe. He was accepted as an applicant and was trained on how to properly operate a Mecha. His skills were quickly noted and after a few years of training he was finally ready to go into the field. He was given the “Angel” Mecha by his commanding officer and was sent to his first mission. The mission was a tough one, they were tasked with infiltrating a stronghold and neutralising the enemy. The mission went well, but as they were leaving the area, Cassius got distracted and didn’t notice an ambush waiting for their escape. His whole squad was killed, and he just managed to escape with his Mecha intact. After that, he dropped off the radar. He felt personally responsible for their deaths and couldn’t stand the idea of reporting back, so he ran away. The war ended soon after, but he didn’t go back. He decided to wander the world and see if he could find a way to redeem himself. But eventually, he found himself in need of money, so he sought out the Outcast Guild. He figured that as long as he had his skills and a Mecha to back them up, he might as well use them. Tactical Preference & Skills: Prefers to stay on the edge of a battlefield, carefully setting up his area and getting vision on the battlefield. He sits and waits with his rifle pointed across the field and avoids firing a single shot until he knows he can get a kill. He prefers to shoot once and then relocate, quickly moving to another location to set up and wait for another shot. Likes to function as a combat sniper, providing covering fire and support while ground forces advance. Quote: “My role is to keep you alive. I will watch your back and I will keep the enemy from getting the upper hand. Let’s do our best to survive” [hider=Mecha-Angel] Name/Title: E107 “Angel” MK II - Prototype Appearance: [hider=Angel][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/13/5d/03/135d03770cdafa1d6a0ebda9c2dbed60.jpg[/img][/hider] Body & Type: Humanoid Flyer Equipment & Armaments: Hand Slots: - E107G “Wrath” High Calliber Rifle – This rifle is capable firing high calibre armour piercing shots at long range. It can be used with several types of ammo, including explosive rounds. The rifle is specially designed for use at high altitudes, but still functions when used on land. Sub Weapon Slot: - E107S “Spark” Sub machine gun – A strong mid-range weapon best suited for burst fire, this weapon serves as a useful tool for supressing enemies when trying to relocate. Shoulder/Back Spot: - EMP Launcher – A small launcher that fires an EMP. Designed to be used to assist escape in the event that the position of the Mecha has been compromised Gadget Slot: - Gadgets include several missile flares and a cloaking device, designed to give him more cover when waiting for a shot. Stats Scale Light/Heavy Body: The light design of the Angel allows it to quickly relocate and take from the sky to the land and back again if it is required of it. Its speed is astonishing, but the Mecha itself is not very sturdy, meaning that any damage suffered can often be critical. (2) Accuracy & Tracking/FIrepower: The firepower of the Wrath rifle is terrifying, as the shots can often come from directly above. The accuracy and strength of each shot is staggering, but there is a noticeable delay between each shot, meaning that a miss can cost a lot of time (2) Air Mobility/Thrusters: As a majority flying Mecha, the Angel needs to have strong thrusters. But as it is a Mecha that’s strength lies in being at a distance, it was designed to be able to outrun most enemies (7) Solo/Skirmisher: The Angel is a support designed Mecha, as it is better suited to assisting an active battlefield. This Mecha’s strength lies in attacking as the enemies are distracted, and giving allies an opportunity to move in and attack, but once the veil of stealth is broken, a solo fight will almost always end in defeat. (9) Flavour Text: The Angel was developed originally as a form of observational satellite, designed to be able to spy on enemy actions during the Western War. The technology was soon bought by the Northern Frontier Armed Forces. After some time the design was repurposed and became the E107 Mk II Angel unit. Its purpose was simple, operate as the watchdog of the battlefield. Its job was to pick the most high priority target and to start the battle by taking them down. From there, its job was to watch its allied forces and stop them from being swarmed or flanked by enemies. It was dubbed the Guardian Angel of the battlefield after several successful uses. Eventually the Mecha was redesigned to work as a Mk III Mecha know as the “Guardian” and the porotype Mk II models were scrapped. All but a few were destroyed, but those that remained were given to select members of the military that displayed a talent for its unique fighting style, as they still functioned very well. [/hider] [/hider]