Charles gave a curt nod to the boy and was bemused by the fact that he was worried about Charles being a danger and yet also gave him free reign in the place, with the good intentions to find the girl Audrey of course. He wandered the halls and passages of the store turned fort not entirely sure where he was supposed to be going or even who this Audrey girl was or what she looked like. Then, rather abruptly, Martel flew off his shoulder perch and sawed off into the distance leaving Charles to wonder why such a sudden departure when it came together for him, the smell of food was in the air, which also meant other people. Charles adjusted his clothes and brushed back his hair with his fingers, ensuring that he looked as best he could given the circumstances of the post-apocalypse. He then continued for a little while until he reached a young boy cooking, Martel getting quiet close and inspecting his work, and a girl, closer to his age than anybody he had met recently, near by who he assumed to be Audrey. "Hello there new friends and fellow survivors of the wastes! I am Charles Justinian Banesworth the second, Duke of the North-East, Child from the house of God, and it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance" he said giving a courteous bow just like his tutors once taught him. He did so because it was not often these days that he got to indulge in giving such a introduction, the girl from before notwithstanding since he was in a fit of ungentlemanly rage, so he took the chances where he could. "And may I know your names?" he said to the pair. [@MissCapnCrunch][@LordofthePies]