[u][i]12 years ago[/i][/u] Octavian ran through the streets of Loralis, ducking and dodging passersby and market stalls as he explored the labyrinthine structure of the streets. His clothes, ragged and baggy had picked up so much dust and dirt throughout their time in his possession they had turned an unsightly shade of beige, a stark contrast to his pure white hair that draped down his shoulders and back. He clambered up an empty fruit cart, using it as leverage to ascend one of the shorter buildings in the city. Minutes past and he had finally reached his destination atop the local church. He peered out over the city, watching the people milling around like ants in a maze. He raised his head, staring almost agape at what he had come to see. The many beautiful castles of Loralis. His eyes changed from a look of awe to one of determination as he vowed to one day own one of the castles and sit in amongst the nobility. [u][i]Present day[/i][/u] Octavian's pale white horse trudged over the final dune of the journey as Octavian removed the keffiyeh that had protected him from the harsh heat and sand of the Ecrosian borders. Earlier on in the journey he had traveled in a much lighter attire, but that proved unwise due to the bandits that stalked the desert day and night. His armour glimmered in the sunlight, becoming almost incandescent. He stabled his horse at a nearby inn after arriving at the town, catching many stares from the poorer folk wandering the streets due to his noble appearance. His hunt began now, for once not for someone to kill or capture. A friend of his had informed him of good job opportunities within the city and had urged him to travel there as soon as possible. Now that he had arrived, Octavian suspected he was just trying to get rid of him.