Captain Thalen Cairn got his gear ready. His armor, his blaster rifle, his pistol that he slipped into a shoulder rig. After slipping into a trench coat and placing his helmet on he was ready to face the crew. His pet, a large but sleek vornskr patted around the mid level of the Krayt Mother, growling at those who were seemingly force-sensitive but did not do anything about it. "I am fine. And you should stop baking cakes. You'll exhaust our supplies within a week if this escalates." He said to Serana and went to approach the other crewmembers. "As I said before, there is a pirate corvette not too far. The scanners say that they have yet to see us. What we need to do is to..." he started but was suddenly inturrupted by the frantic beeps and boops of the Krayt Mother's astromech which Thalen had simply named Rusty due to the rust colored exterior. He listened to the frantic beeping and then turned to face the crew again. "Well...nevermind then. Further scans show that they corvette is severly damaged so I highly doubt that we'll need to disable any systems so far and just have to board them. You all get ready. Arm yourself with any close range weapons and stun grenades if you got them" He said to them and went back to the cockpit to pilot the ship to the corvette. The corvette did not respond to the approaching transport so boarding the pirate vessel. Once the Krayt mother was secure to the pirate vessel, Thalen got at the blast doors that linked the two ships and placed a powerpack into his rifle, hearing a satisfied hum of power for a moment. "Alright, here's the plan. The data is the priority. No unnecessary lethal force. Once we get the data we take a detour to their cargo hold for any loot that they possess that we might make a profit out of. Now activate your rebreathers and let's go" He said to the crew and opened up the blast doors and walked across the small insulated ramp that connected the two ships and boarded the pirate corvette. Rusty was coming with as well as he would be the one hacking and storing the data. He wasn't defenseless either. one of his compartments was armed with a heavy blaster pistol with a stun function as well.