[hider=Legio III Serpens] [b]Faction:[/b] Imperium [b]Force Type:[/b] Mechanicus [b]Force Name:[/b] [i]Legio III Serpens[/i] [b]Leaders:[/b] [i][url=http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/5/5e/Princeps.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20121212003220]Argos Primaris, Master of Skitarrii[/url][/i] Primaris has spent his life at war, usually in concert with the mighty titan legions of his homeworld. He has spent a hundred years clearing landing zones for titans and doing dirty work the Mechanicus' massive warmachines are too large to undertake- street-to-street fighting, reclaiming desecrated Forges, and clearing mines of xenos and heretics. Grizzled, ruthless, disinterested in collateral damage and casualties, impatient with niceties, and more machine than man, he can be a difficult colleague for many imperial commanders, but few doubt his results. He specializes in rapid, combined arms assaults with medium infantry and armor. [i][url=http://miniset.net/files/set/gw-99070116001_7.jpg]Mithradates Xen, Magos Dominus[/url][/i] [i][url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/spacemarine/images/4/48/Inquisitor_Drogan.png/revision/latest?cb=20110919170442]Antiochus Nox, Inquisitor of the Ordo Mechanicum[/url][/i] A radical former member of the Ordo Xenos, Nox has operated out of the Forge-World Serpens for nearly a half century, keeping watch over and collaborating with the Magi Ruling Council of that planet. It is known that he has an interest in xenos technology, and has allowed the magi of Serpens more leeway in experimentation in that direction than the Inquisition- or indeed, the Cult of the Omnissiah- generally allows. Nox was the main motivation behind Serpens contributing to the Crusade, despite the planet's Titans and several skitarri legions being engaged in a war with greenskins an entire Segmentum away. Despite Serpens' overstretched forces, the Third Legion was sent to join the new Imperial effort...though many privately complain that it is little more than a glorified Inquisitorial bodyguard, to allow Nox to pursue whatever secret projects and ambitions engross him. Nox is a skilled combatant with a power sword and a potent psyker, and benefits from considerable augmentics bequeathed to him during his time on Serpens. [i] Mordred Draga, Executor Fetial of the Legio Serpens (liaison with other Imperials) Argos-II, Skitarrii Alpha commanding the Hoplite & Peltast forces Argos-III, Alpha commanding Vanguard units [/i] [b]Troops:[/b] 2,300 total 600 [url=http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Secutarii_Hoplite]Secutarii Hoplites[/url] [url=https://www.forgeworld.co.uk/resources/catalog/product/600x620/99550108158_SecutariiHoplites01.jpg](Image)[/url] 500 [url=http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Secutarii_Peltast]Secutarri Peltasts[/url] 300 [url=http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Skitarii_Vanguard]Skitarrii Vanguard [/url] 10 [url=http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Sicarian_Ruststalker]Sicari[/url]/[url=http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Skitarii_Rangers]Skitarrii Ranger[/url] Hunter Killers (5 teams, 10 units) 90 Synodian Dragoons 100 Praetorian Heavy Gun Servitors (anti infantry, anti-light vehicle) 600 Close Combat Servitors (vat-grown cannon fodder) 100 repair/recovery units (25 tech-priests & 75 support servitors, capable of self defense but not assault-equipped) [b]Vehicles:[/b] x75 Kataphron Destroyers x25 Kataphron Breachers x50 Krios Main Battle Tanks x20 Onager Dune-Crawlers x15 Cassus class transports, outfitted with flamers (Total: 185) [b]Force History:[/b] Hailing from the nearby forge-world of Serpens, the Third Serpens Legion has been donated to the Imperial Crusade by Serpens' ruling Magi for the express purpose of reclaiming and purifying the forges of Varulius III. It is an open secret that the sinister Inquistor Antiochus Nox of the Ordo Mechanicum lobbied for Serpens to contribute a force to the Crusade, and has taken an unusually active role in organizing the Mechanicus' role in the reclamation effort. Some whisper that Nox is a radical, interested in the opportunity to study chaos-tainted forges in person, interested in the possibilities of heretical technologies... [/hider]