I thanked Em for the water and took a few sips. Nina explained what she thought the maps might lead to, but I was unsure where it might actually lead us. "Well-" I chimed in. "Do you think it's a good idea to go there? To the building or whatever it is. I mean, what if it's nothing. What if whatever it is doesn't exist anymore. Then we're just stuck and out of luck." "I think it's worth a shot. If it's nothing, then we keep moving. If it's something, then we're good." Joe shrugged his shoulders. "But what if that [i]something[/i] is bad." Spencer shot Joe a look. Joe ignored him. "Looks guys. The best thing we can do is go check it out. If we sit here, I'm going to die from sneezing. Or worse, the Jaxlor's will find us and capture or kill us. We don't really have to many options here." Joe was adamant about leaving this place. I didn't blame him. It was old and dirty and full of creepy crawlers. "Okay, but what about Daisy! We can't just keep drugging her up every time we need to go somewhere. She's going to end up overdosing!" Spencer yelled at Joe and everyone grew quiet, including me.