Damian slowed to a stop as the reached the small ttown. What a place he thought to himself. He felt that he could stay here forever and not have a care in the world. It was all too real to him. This place looked almost exactly like the hometown he remembered from his childhood. It was strange and eerie to say the least but he wasn't ready to admit something like that to someone he bairly knew. Damian turned to look at Cillian as he caught up to him. His Pokemon we're strange. One always delighted and the other was it's polar opposite. It made since though. As apposing types water and fire Pokemon weren't really meant to be around each other. Damian yawned and stretched out as he smiled looking up to the sky. [color=00aeef]"sundown looks so beautiful in this small town"[/color]he said to Cillian. The colours were so beautiful as they fadded to the background with the stars slowly appearing over head.it was a beautiful site. One hard to find in the city[ [@Dusksong]