Yeah, I couldn't decide between General or Casual interest checks. I guess it's because I'm not quite sure what system would be best here. All of us would be crew aboard one ship, but I also wanted the option to traverse space individually, hence the Warp Fighters. Each role should play out more like Artemis Starship Simulator, with a captain, gunner, helm officer, etc. The ship itself is sentient and *can* be controlled autonomously, but it needs humans to train it and give it a soul. We're training it from scratch - how to move, shoot, repair itself, and such like. The Empire sees itself as a bastion of goodness, a light on a hill so to speak, but reality is a bit more complicated. At the start of the mission, we will be running various goody-two-shoes jobs like feeding orphans, building shelters for the homeless, rescuing the stranded, and the like. Later on, though, we will be delving into the darker side of the Empire, into its genetic experiments, morally bankrupt population, and corruption at the highest levels of government.