During this exchange, the goblins' attention seemed to be on each other and Rook took a step backwards and toward Kaiden. She was still unwilling to abandon her friend, but perhaps she could find a way to discretely cut the leather cord binding her wrists if she could only reach the knife on Kaiden's belt. The goblins shifted uneasily and even laughed slightly nervously at the 'joke'. While not wholly convinced that the tall and odd goblin before them was really the Liberator, Stybs Orcgutter's monologue had raised enough of a question that it might just be better not to risk it. No harm in just letting these two go and undertaking the day's hike to Ashdown and gaining their sacrifices there. Right? But sharp-eared and hard-headed Garuk alone was not swayed. "Pha!" he spat. He looked to the goblin next to him. "You hear this one, Nok? Liberator!" Garuk rolled his eyes, then sneered. "Didn't know they could stack shit that high."