[img]http://orig00.deviantart.net/d815/f/2015/259/b/a/render_rias_gremory__1__png_by_azunyan06-d99v7c4.png[/img] Name: Abigail Lillian Gender: Female Age:19 Souls: -Mayuri Kurotsuchi(Bleach) -Luke Skywalker (Star Wars) -John Constantine (DC comics) Occupation: Stocker in a dairy department at a grocery store. History: Abigail grew up alone with her mother, whom she loved with all her heart. That being said, the woman did have some problems and it was just a matter of time before they became nearly too much for Abigail to bear. So she dropped out of school at around seventeen to get a full time job and live on her own. She still talks with her mother from time to time, but isn't capable of more than that.