Thought I'd throw in a character of my own.... [hider= Barker Village's Captain Of The Guard] [b]Name:[/b] Babeo 'Babs' McCallister [b]Appearance:[/b] [img][/img] [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Origin: [/b]Barker Village, Fortune Reigon [b]Height:[/b] 5'6 [b]Weight:[/b] 132 [b]Backstory:[/b] The 'Red Roadblock' was an unnofficial name given to Babs McCallister and her convoy crew. She was known for always getting her deliveries on site and on time and was seen in the local village of Barker as a Heroine. She is the granddaughter of the Village Elder Mort McCallister and carries the legacy of her village in her name. She is fiercly untrusting of any outsiders, most Freelanders are resentful towards the big 3 nations but Babs doesnt even trust neighbouring villages. Mostly because there is a large source of Elementum hidden in the hills of her village that only her and the village leaders know about but she is constantly preparing to have to fight to protect it. Using what little wealth she has, she managed to upgrade her Gundacker Mech (which was passed down by her late father) into a deadly fighting machine. The village of Barker might be small, but every town within 150 miles knows better than to come wondering into the vicinity without an invitiation. Babs has succesfully defended her village from 23 bandit mechs and 2 mercernaries since she became captain of the guard and has become more infamous with every fight. After the last two mercernaries attacked she became interested to know who hired them and if this had anything to do with the elementum in the village. With that, her grandfather sent her off to investiage the outcast guild to learn as much as she can. [b]Tactical Preference & Skills:[/b] Babeo is a rough and ready frontline fighter, she likes to charge in with her shield up and close the distance so she can pulverise enimies with her fast tackles and swift melee attacks. She is adept at using her shield defensively and offensively. [b]Quote:[/b] Something your character would say. [b]Text Color:[/b] None [b](White)[/b] [/hider] [hider=Her Mech] [b]Name/Title:[/b] The 'Iron Gundacker' Series 23940 Ver 3.4 [b]Appearance :[/b] [img][/img] [b]Body & Type:[/b] Humanoid Bipdeal [b]Equipment & Armaments[/b]: [b]Hand Slot 1:[/b] [u]XL Custom Tunguskan Battle Shield[/u] This brilliant piece of hardware is a nightmare for those no familar with close range mech combat and still troubling for those who are. The very large shield can shift forms from the more circular spread out defesnive knights shield form to the more angular and sharp diamond form. The front of the shield is fitted with a powerful electro magnet which is able to literally draw melee attacks to the shield and absolutely handicap regular metal mechs in a close up fight. [b]Hand Slot 2:[/b] [u]'Jameson' Series 200 Bladed Rail Rifle[/u] This large weapon is a marvel of the Jameson line of mech weapons which was developed in the Therux State during the western wars. The rail rifle fires fully automatic rounds like an assulalt rifle but the design of the gun is that of a broad double edge sword which can be used for deady close combat. The edges thinly sharpened Elementum fused titanium which is sharp enough to slice through the armor of many light and weaker mechs. [b]Sub Weapon Slot:[/b] [u]Garret 2202 'Buckbanger' Shotgun[/u] The Buckbanger is very similar in design to the sawn off shotgun that Babs like to carry around with her, its mainly used as a surprise tool, a devastating close up shot can tear armor to shread with it heavy impact and wide spread. [b]Shoulder/Back Spot:[/b] [u]Homing FireShark Missiles:[/u] Nothing too fancy just what it says on the tin, the gundacker models come with a limited supply of inhouse brand homing missiles that are built into the backpod of the mech, best used at mid range distance. [b]Gadget Slot:[/b] [u]Repair Tool:[/u] Babs is a skilled mechanic, and although its not her primary role in battle she can administor minor repairs to other mechs and structures if needed. [u]Portable Cover Block[/u] An Expandable box made of very tough polydiamond material that can be deployed as a 'chest high wall' to take cover behind. Once deployed though, it takes a good while to fold back up for re-use. [b]Stats Scale[/b] [b]Light/Heavy Body:[/b] 7 [b]Accuracy & Tracking/FIrepower:[/b] 7 [b]Air Mobility/Thrusters:[/b] 3 [b]Solo/Skirmisher:[/b] 2 Flavour Text: A litt bit of background on the Mech, development history or specifics. [/hider]