[@Jin Of Mana]Here yeh go... [centre][hider=The Ty' Un Resistance][img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-yqfp6ava1Z8/UJ-1le52BHI/AAAAAAAAFEU/tzYsBnSpxrs/s1600/3-plait-border-circle-md.png[/img] [color=Gray][h3][i]"United as one, united by all."[/i][/h3][/color] [hr] [color=Gray][b]Name[/b][/color] The Ty' Un ('Rightful Path') Resistance [color=Gray][b]Organisation Type[/b][/color] Organised Rebellion [color=Gray][b]Listed Desires/Morals[/b][/color] - To reduce the Oppressive nature towards either species in the Thalburn kingdom. - To lead by example and overthrow the war between Man and Magi. [color=Gray][b]Organisation's Status[/b][/color] Near-Collapse - Filled with Remnants of the Final Battles [hr] [color=Gray][b]Reputation[/b][/color] The Ty' Un Resistance holds a very strong reputation, even for what it had become, ever since the Settlement Campaign's success. Even so, their creation was an inspiration. Originally consisting of those who believed what they did, they were quite possibly the most successful ungoverned Rebellion to exist in recent, if not all of, history amongst the realm. The sense of uniting the power of the Man and the Magi gave hope in the eyes of all of those who opposed the conflict, and even so the loss of loved ones because of it. With promise of simply to eradicate the conflict between both species by whatever means are required, and to not take over as a leading government or nation, they proved to be most satisfactory to the general public and warriors of the realm. [color=Gray][b]Tactics and Movement[/b][/color] Members of the Ty' Un mostly never had military training, and those who did were usually placed in charge with leading combat exercises and training sessions, to allow the backbone of the Resistance to find their comfortable fighting style and choice of weaponry. This, strictly speaking, that the major disciplined organisation of raiding and formations was on their side, not to say they were not disciplined at all. The way they functioned relied in the major trust and unison that they all held in one another, not seeing anyone else as any higher than they are, making better use of their Guerrilla tactics. Guerrilla tactics are the un-militarised combat movements that usually consist of hit-and-run attacks, sabotages, espionage and combat that utilises their surroundings more than their equipment, all being reliant on their own set of skills to get them through any battle or conflict. This made them sleek killers and successful at what they did, allowing them to infiltrate Thalburn outposts and settlements and cause a panicked destruction amongst patrols and teams of Guardsmen. Due to the distance that the Expeditionary Force had to travel, usually leading into environments unfamiliar to their style of fighting, they were a force that could overmatch them. What they really had to look out for, however, were the Guardsmen and the Newly formed Tactical Guardsmen, the Tactical Operations variant of their larger and more standard branch. [hr] [color=Gray][b]The Downfall[/b][/color] After the 'Settlement Campaign' their major successes and seizing control over the Thalburn occupied and oppressed towns, villages, hamlets, outposts and large communities, they targeted the City of Thalburn itself through two simultaneous assaults that would drive their forces into two halves, ultimately giving them an upper hand at dealing heavy damage to the city if they were not to succeed in taking it. The Battles lasted a maximum of an hour and fifty seven minutes, with the Thalburn coming on top. How they did this, was only because of a small mistake. It all relied on the Tactical Guardsmen, Team 43, who discovered the plot earlier than intended through the setting up of the sabotage. Multiple crews of guerrilla fighters were imported into the Thalburn walls, and managed to smuggle several supplies of the rare explosives the Thalburn were known for owning. One Guerrilla team were spotted by a Tactical Guardsmen Corporal, who would later on be promoted along the lines to becoming an infamous captain, who killed one of the two fighters. This gave them the early warning, and the only division at that time specialised in handling the new-age firearms were deployed in the direction of the wall they hoped them to come from. From their luck, they were correct, and they managed to aim and maintain sight until they were within range. Because of this crucial discovery, the City took a significantly lesser amount of damage than intended from the fighters, and more than half of the City-Charge's army were cut down by projectiles intended on killing. This made the fighting in the gates rather strenuous, but a good number of guardsmen inside the walls were also cut down by the multi-variants of fighting styles provided by both the Magi and Human fighters. It didn't take too long for them to be pushed out, eventually allowing a Cavalry detachment to be sent off to assist in the far more successful Second Attack on the Expeditionary Force's mass supply line, whom mostly were cut down by the Fighters. Eventually, they too were driven off. With numbers so small, and the Thalburn quick to reinforce all of their settlements through the increase of numbers via conscription, they once again seized control of the Resistance's land and drove them out of the Kingdom. Many individuals think that this inspiration, who's opinions did not change, had fallen after their attempts in valour. However, this only was a new chapter in their movement. Secretly operating in vastly small numbers, they set out on sending survivors into the settlements around, where in total secrecy would they export small amounts of goods, weaponry and resources out of the Kingdom to a new frontline that was in hiding. The size of the Rebellion is still unknown, considering how concealed they are now. To join at the moment, you have to be selected, but when the time comes, open recruitment will begin once more...If only they had the power to do so... Their current existence is not known by very many. The public are completely unaware of their operating members, and that only those of superiors in Thalburn, the Tactical Guardsmen of Thalburn and officials in Alfheim...Rumours amongst those who know talk of a new detachment within their ranks...As a sighting of an individual during a Tactical Guardsmen Assassination mission led to them finding a skilled guerrilla fighting wearing a strangely patterned [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ff/93/fb/ff93fb0b46d0b134dc8678af5b2258a8.jpg]uniform[/url]. [hr] [hider=Organisation Theme] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Q1WVCL5eSc [/youtube][/hider] [/hider][/centre]