Finally, a mortgage paying adult. This new house is a little creaky, a little breezy at night, and a little musty, but it's home. The family gathers and gives warm congratulations as well as gift wrapped bowls and cups as house warming presents. The neighbors eventually stroll by, welcoming you into the neighborhood, handing you warm pans of lasagna. Laughing, smiling, hugging, kissing. It was almost as if today was truly a happy, heartwarming day. But it's not. Loneliness comes to snuggle as the clock ticks into the next dull moment. No significant other the speak of for about two years. A decent job that brings little to no joy. Friends that rarely speak because they're off on vacations with the family or romantic dates with their lovers. Existence almost becomes nothing more than an input and an output. Well, not until the little window in the attic was discovered. Covered in condensation, little hearts , words, and symbols were immediately etched into the foggy window, as most people do when they see foggy translucent surfaces. As the window became filled with doodles and drawings , the message ,“ I love your artwork” slowly appeared on what seemed to be the other side of the window. And this is how you met them... the being on the other side of fogged up glass. You can choose to be the human, or the alien. I want the story to start out the night after the housewarming party, and the discovery of the window to be any time after that. The communication between characters doesn't start until the human discovers the window. The window is a little paranormal. The window is linking two world for what seem to be no apparent reason. The window auto translate messages, you can't understand eachother without the window. The more you talk, the more you grow to love eachother, and the window responds by slowly dropping the barrier between our worlds. Eventually allowing us to vaguely hear sound on the other side, make out blurry outlines of eachother , and eventually allowing the window to be raised and serve as a passageway into the other's world. Write a novel or a passage, I don't mind. It's a storyline I've been thinking about a lot lately and I would love to play along with someone else