[centre][b][h1][color=f7941d]Sasha[/color][/h1][/b][/centre] Sasha was walking around the outskirts of the farm boundaries, studying the plants she came across, seeking herbs that could be of use for healing. She kept an eye and ear out for walkers, although so far there hadn't been any on this trip. She had her dagger, and was quite ready to use it. The small bag she carried she had a handful of herbs, but there wasn't much. She was thinking that maybe they'd have to go into town and see if they could scrounge up, at the very least, antibiotics. She glanced up as the sun came overahead, and deciding that she had been out long enough, she began to head back to the farm house. She enjoyed the time outside, but she was well aware the place wasn't truly safe, despite the time they had been there. At the sound of someone approaching, Sasha shifted , sliding one foot back, She drew her dagger, ready to leap and stab a walker in the head. A chuckle caused her to relax, and she glared at Jacklyn. [color=ec008c]"Aw, the little kitty has claws"[/color] the woman said, and Sasha rolled her eyes, putting her dagger away. [color=f7941d]"What do you want?"[/color] Sasha asked, a little coldly. She didn't particularly like the woman. She had seen her looking at Grace as if the girl was something she would throw out a window, and Sasha had kept an eye on her everytime the woman got close to Grace. Sasha already loved that little girl so much, there wasn't anything she wouldn't do for her. Maybe that was dangerous, but Sasha had already decided that the future was for Gracie. [color=ec008c]"Why, to talk! You always seem to avoid me. Scared, little kitty?"[/color] Jacklyn said, with clear amusement. Sasha stood straight, and slung the small bag over her shoulder. [color=f7941d]"Why should I be scared of someone that doesn't know what they are doing, in this world, except get rid of anyone that maybe in her way to surviving?"[/color] She said, as she debated moving around Jacklyn and continuing onto the farm house. Jacklyn laughed, [color=ec008c]"Oh, you think you know me. How sweet. Survivngs the point, little kitty. If we don't survive, we die. More importantly if I don't survive, [i]I[/i] die. And I don't plan on dying"[/color] Sasha shook her head, and pushed her way passed Jacklyn, [color=f7941d]"You're already dead, then"[/color]. Sasha would never quite know how she knew Jacklyn was seeking to grab her, but she did. She spun about, pulling her dagger out and slashing it across Jacklyn's palm. [color=f7941d]"Don't touch me"[/color] Jacklyn stared at her blood curiously, more amused then angered. [color=ec008c]"Well, thats not what your man s-"[/color] Sasha started to laugh at the pathetic attempt to throw her off guard. [color=f7941d]"You're right. He likes my touch. Not sure anyone can say that off you though. You may be pretty but...you're pathetic"[/color] Slipping her dagger away, Sasha stalked off to the farm house. This time, Jacklyn didn't seek to stop her. [i]Damn sociopath[/i] Sasha thought to herself, but she had nothing really to prove that. Retreating to the room she shared with Matt, and Gracie. She threw the bag on the bed, making a note to remove it so Grace wouldn't have fun with the herbs, she went to the bathroom, using an old rage to clean off her dagger, before returning, putting the herbs away in her pack, which was, despite the months safety, still packed, the clothes she had washed the day before were dry and folded away. She knew that at any moment, they might have to leave, and she didn't want to leave half her supplies behind again. The she headed down to the living aarea.