[@Song Book][@gohKamikaze][@Snarfulblast][@Dark Light] Koru had to catch himself from choking on his wine, [color=00a651]"You'll have to pardon me"[/color] he chortled between breaths [color=00a651]"a human speaking of such things as mortality is quite hard to take seriously"[/color]. Pulling a simple handkerchief from another of his many pouches he contains the remaining splutters to its fabrics and gently dabs, [color=00a651]"Though I would not write your god off quite so soon as such a large number exist, it would be foolish to suggest otherwise, a name might help me fine any evidence for it"[/color] 'ra-ta-ta-tat' He wasn't entirely sure the grizzled gumshoe had head him, following the human's eyes he found them resting on a woman who looked like she had seen her fair share of travel. Someone who would surely have a tale to tell, but Hardwick seemed to be quite interested in her and he did not want to [i]'Inhibit his style'[/i] as some child would say a few towns back. 'ra-ta-ta-tat' that sound again, it was starting to become a nuisance but nothing that couldn't be shifted to the back of his mind for now. [color=00a651]"Perhaps"[/color] he began hoping to gain the human's attention [color=00a651]"You should go over and order he a drink? I believe that is the proper conduct when courting a woman in such an establishment to purchase a drink for the maiden"[/color] confident he had given the human sound advice his mind began to wonder. 'ra-ta-ta-tat' Now he was paying more attention the sound's origin became easier to locate. The Door? But why would some one tap at a door a tavern, particularly one that seemed more than open. He looked on with interest fresh page in his book and a well inked quill at the ready, if there was one thing he knew about strange happenings was let others try first if you can.