[hider=Karthis Artorius Salius] [center][hr][hr][h2][color=silver][i][b]Karthis Artorias Salius,[/b] Prince of the Lost Isles[/i][/color][/h2] [hr][hr][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/1a/ff/5d/1aff5dd934dc1f0f315076c5df2196ec.jpg[/img] [hr][hr][h3][sub][i][color=silver][b]"If the King does not move, then his subjects will not follow."[/b][/color][/i][/sub][/h3] [hr][hr] [/center] [h3][sup][u][i][b][color=silver]Age:[/color][/b][/i][/u][/sup][/h3][indent]17 (but technically little over 400 years old)[/indent] [h3][sup][u][i][b][color=silver]Personality:[/color][/b][/i][/u][/sup][/h3][indent]Karthis is but a boy lost in time, not knowing of what the world contains. He is by nature curious and exploratory in his quest to relearn the world he once knew but also eager to share his stories of the lands he hails from and any comparatively "ancient" knowledge he may possess. In regards to his work, Karthis is noted as one of the hardest working students who shows both a great deal of patience and stubbornness (something which is often joked as being the same thing for him just never to his face). A gentleman by heart, Karthis displays a certain level of grace in everything he does with a certain refined aura around him, something that helps him recover whenever he may say something out of line or potentially offensive. Although he will pass off many things as a joke or as simply a "cultural misunderstanding", insulting his homeland will guarantee him pressing something against the nay-doer's throat. Karthis has always had a fascentaion with smithing, his passion only matched by his confidence in his own work. Anyone with ears can tell the pride in his voice when speaking of his own work or anything of Myrstrost. He tends to think he knows more and can do more, no doubt hubris on Karthis's part.[/indent] [h3][sup][u][i][b][color=silver]History:[/color][/b][/i][/u][/sup][/h3][indent]To understand Karthis, one must first understand where he hails from and [i]when[/i] he hails from. His homeland, the Kingdom of Myrstrost, sometimes better known to contemporaries as the Forgotten Kingdom. Myrstrost laid claims to the Slivyst Isle where the people had built a magnificent domain with the grandest of castles and structures. However, it was when the so called Four Hundred Year Fog that the kingdom was cutoff from the world. It was no ordinary fog of weather but something else entirely. Whatever the case, the Isle was cut off completely, no one ever coming in and anyone going into the fog never to be seen again. However, it was said that there was a certain ringing noise originating from within the fog which only certain individuals could hear and followed until they too disappeared into the fog. For nearly 400 years, the Kingdom remained a figure of legend and mystery until one day, the fog cleared revealing the land it had swallowed. Much of the land was in ruins with a good deal less people than originally remembered. And although almost 400 years had passed, for the people left once the sky was clear again, they hadn't felt any time pass at all. Scholars still look into the mysterious events revolving around the Forgotten Kingdom and many an explorers brave its ruins for gold and glory but some never make it out. Karthis was originally the third generation of the royal family, his position of fourth eldest made it that while he would be powerful, the chances of him inheriting the throne were low. When the fog cleared, the surviving Queen Borealis sent her surviving children barring the eldest son and daughter away to learn of the world, of the 16 she had bore with her beloved husband, only 6 had survived. Through various dealings, Karthis found himself enrolled in a school dedicated for forging and took on the craft with great haste and skill. He has been called upon more than once in history class to recount the past as he remembers it and his knowledge of how to create the massive greatswords has impressed as many as it has made people envious.[/indent] [h3][sup][u][i][b][color=silver]Speciality:[/color][/b][/i][/u][/sup][/h3][list][*]Knows the secrets to creating Great Swords, truly massive swords that can stand taller than their creators. [*]Extremely skilled at drawing out metal as well as hammering and shaping it and also heat treating/tempering blades. [*]When going into Expeditions, he will wield a two handed weapon but refuses to wear but a few small armor plates, citing that he prefer to stay mobile over tanking hits, something he does very well with his constant acrobatic back steps and rolls. [*]Has a variety of gentlemen's skills such as ballroom dancing and wine tasting. [/list][/hider]