I'm kind of confused. It looks like this is some extremely complicated and well thought-out things around here... but all I need to do to begin is, like, this? [hider=Ayuna]Name: Ayuna Sex: Female Appearance: She is a short girl on 150 cm and is, by all means, not the kind of girl you would expect on a battlefield. Her eyes are blue. Dense purple hair that is only taken care of enough to look presentable spreads across her head, only stretching only a short length. Said hair is held into place by a green gleaming hairband, placed there ages past and has not been removed for a long time. Her body figure is very light, as if one would expect her to be really frail. But in truth, she is strong for her size. Initial Weapon: Bow. Asset: Speed Flaw: Resistance[/hider] As I understood, I am to buy common units after creating my lord (do I have to have a lord...?). So, um, do I do anything beyond what I wrote above? How much gold do you start with, I cannot seemingly find it anywhere? ... Do one have to pay for the obligatory potential reclasses or is that just the prize you need to pay in the eventual case you want to reclass them? Edit: So, by looking myself, 30k gold and yes, one has to pay for potential reclasses... Tsk, I don't even intend to reclass them... Edit Nr. 2: Like this? [hider=Ayuna – Archer (Bow Lord)]Name: Ayuna Sex: Female Class: Bow Lord Appearance: She is a short girl on 150 cm and is, by all means, not the kind of girl you would expect on a battlefield. Her eyes are blue. Dense purple hair that is only taken care of enough to look presentable spreads across her head, only stretching only a short length. Said hair is held into place by a green gleaming hairband, placed there ages past and has not been removed for a long time. Her body figure is very light, as if one would expect her to be really frail. But in truth, she is strong for her size. Personality: A shy yet capable girl, she’s quite able to take command and fight when the time comes. However, when in the presence of shinier individuals, she may come across as quite timid. She is easily stressed and worries a lot. However, there can be no doubt of her kind and innocent nature behind that. Background: A lord from a nation that will remain unnamed unless this RP actually takes any form of story. She’s a younger daughter, meaning she’s never meant to actually command the realm or anything like that. Instead, she has set out on a journey to find herself, learn the ropes of combat and defend the land from any danger that might befall it during her journey. Initial Weapon: Bow. Asset: Speed Flaw: Resistance Costs: Crossbow (1500) + standard free equipment.[/hider] [hider=Yukiha – Thief]Name: Yukiha Sex: Female Class: Thief Appearance: An upright and alright-looking young woman with a constant smile on her face. She has shoulder-length blue hair and green eyes, and her eyes are constantly alit with intention. Should you seek through her clothing you will likely find a lot of possessions of random people at the castle… Personality: An active, outgoing and very friendly soul that obeys few laws and does many things simply because they’re amusing. She’s a fan of scandals and rumors, and many a corrupt noble has found themselves exposed by a random thief in the dark. She likes to party, and can seem quite innocent to those who don’t know her. Background: A friend of Ayuna’s since a long time ago, she’s the daughter of a servant at their castle. The servant wasn’t the most loyal of servants and Yukiha was taught the means of a thief, but to the parent’s dismay Yukiha was loyal, and now tags along her friend’s journey because of loyalty and sense of that this will be fun. Cost: Thief (3800), Reclasses Pegasus (520) and Cleric (360), Bronze Sword (350), Vulnerary (300) = 5330.[/hider] [hider=Naiyo – Fighter]Name: Naiyo Sex: Female Class: Fighter Appearance: A tall, steadfast bodyguard of the female lord. She looks and is strong, constantly stands with pride and will and a serious determined expression. She has blue eyes and her very long red hair hangs behind her in a single thick ponytail which reaches her hips in length. Personality: A resolute and serious girl, Naiyo holds the determined eyes and face of a person with a purpose. She is used to being in command and she holds the aura of someone you do not wish to piss off. She doesn’t seem like she has a sense of humor, and her sense of punishment is way off-scale. A resolute follower of all rules, she is a natural police-officer that will tell everyone to correct their ways should they stray from the right paths and she will punish those who stray from the path of righteousness tenfold. That is the kind of person she is. Background: Naiyo was the daughter of a royal advisor, so just like Yukiha she grew up close to the young lord, the two of them often chasing each other around. Where Yukiha was an agent of chaos Naiyo was one of order, joining the royal guard and was eventually personally assigned to Ayuna as her bodyguard. As such, she naturally accompanies on this trip. Naiyo follows her lord proudly, always on her side. Cost: Fighter (4700), Reclasses Cavalier (490) and Mage (380), Bronze Axe (350), Vulnerary (300) = 6220[/hider] [hider=Yasuno – Myrmidon]Name: Yasuno Sex: Female Class: Myrmidon Appearance: A female swordsman with a passive expressionless expression who only can smile when things bleed around her. She’s moderately tall, behind her a very long waist-length black hair hangs free behind her, red eyes staring silently at those she cannot kill and gleaming happily bloodthirstily at those she can. Personality: An intelligent and introverted girl who avoids contact with others if possible. Due to some tragedies in her youth, she often insults people around her while avoiding to show them any expression. That is a mask, however, and she’s as prone to happiness, anger and sadness as the next girl. However, come battle or something else she enjoys a suitably creepy smile can touch her face as she slices things in half around her in her own little bloody dance. Background: Formerly a feared enemy of the kingdom Ayuna’s from, who had killed many on the basis of losing friends and families in injustices committed by it, she was turned over by the efforts of the actual heir to the throne during one of her earlier journeys. Now a trusted and feared combatant, said heir assigned Yasuno to defend Ayuna during this trip as a sign of trust, and so she shall. Cost: Myrmidon (4800), Reclasses Thief (380) and Shaman (470), Bronze Sword (350), Vulnerary (300) = 6300[/hider] [hider=Takaho – Mage]Name: Takaho Sex: Female Class: Mage Appearance: A noblewoman who naturally believes herself superior to the rest. She stands moderately tall, often with grace to her pose, even as she waves around tomes of magic around her. She has wavy black hair which spreads down to chest-height behind her. Her expression is often one of pride, and her green eyes look on anyone they rest upon with confidence she is their better. Personality: An intelligent brain but a flawed mind, Takaho is the archtypical proud noblewoman. Actually at the same age as the rest of the girls, she wastes no time believing herself to be superior to the rest. She walks with grace, speaks politely even when insulting those she views as peasants and laughs loudly. Her only soft spot is her sister, Ryouko, who she’ll go to hell and beyond to take care of. Background: Daughter of a noblewoman in that nation, Takaho quickly moved to the capital to study. A quick learner with excellent grades and a pretty good mage, she quickly assumed she was simply of a superior kind (though she’s not a prodigy). She was initially not going to come on the trip, but when hearing Ayuna was taking her little sister Ryouko on it she came on her own volition to keep her little sister safe, because nobody else can be trusted with that. Cost: Mage (3800), Reclasses Cleric (360) and Wyvern (510), Fire (500) = 5170[/hider] [hider=Ryouko – Cleric]Name: Ryouko Sex: Female Class: Cleric Appearance: Ryouko is a somewhat shorter girl, but alike to her sister she has green eyes and black wavy hair, though Ryouko’s ends already at her neck. Quite unlike her sister, Ryouko wears the face of an innocent cute girl who intends nothing else but the best of the entire world, and who could possibly hate such a one? She is notably younger than all the others. Personality: Unlike Takaho, her older sister, Ryouko is quite humble, modest, and innocent. She probably could never hurt a fly, and she seemingly cannot even comprehend the concept of lying or that somebody in the world might want to hurt her. Brutally honest and believes every word anyone tells her. Her limited understanding of danger means she sometimes needs to be stopped from running into danger or from healing injured enemies in the midst of battle (that said, could I heal my enemies if Ryouko wanted to?). Background: Sister of Takaho and daughter of the same noblewoman, Ryouko was constantly on her sisters side and this did not change when they moved to the capital. As a happy girl she simply continued her clerical studies and helped out a lot when her sister only pulled her weight to help herself. When Ayuna was to depart and needed a healer, Ryouko was picked out of necessity for the girl to gain real experience in the world, and as a natural consequence Takaho came along too. Cost: Cleric (3600), Reclasses Monk (390) and Troubador (370), Heal (600), Vulnerary (300) = 5260[/hider] [s]Used gold; 29970. Remaining gold; 30. Is this correct? Edit: Hold on. It appears the lord gets the equipment for free? Then... Used gold; 29120. Remaining gold; 880.[/s] Used gold; 29780. Remaining gold; 220. [s]Hm... Do you simply decide the skills you want the characters to have?[/s] Edit: Found it. The levels. Got it. And yeah. I felt like giving them all character. I assume there is nothing wrong with this?