[hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=ed1c24][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Chapter%20Two%3A%20Retribution&name=SATAM___.ttf&size=50&style_color=ed1c24[/img][hr][/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][hr][center][h3][b][i]Date:[/i][/b] Sunday May 21th, 2017[/h3][/center][center][hr] [@Sigil] [@Morose] [@Dragoknighte] [@Scallop] [@Nallore] [@Pundii][/center][hr][hr] [@Dragoknighte] - Relic shakes his head a bit. "No, I wish I did but who knows. With everything that has gone down at your buildings maybe the person that owns it does. I am thinking the basement apartments," he says as he points towards them on the blueprints. "Through here they could get in and I dunno, maybe into the larger duct works that come out in the hallways on the floors. Would make it much simpler to get in and out without being seen. This is what really gets me though," he says as he points to the old underground tunnels that come up under various places in the city. "These in the right hands could be very useful but these in the wrong hands.... and well you get the picture," he says as he starts taking pictures of each one of them with his phones camera before sliding them off to the side. "You know history better than me. Think these could have been used during prohibition to run liquor?" [@Nallore] - "I arrested this fucker for selling about three months ago, him and Danica," Roy says as he holsters his side arm and narrows his eyes towards Ronnie. "Hey, Danica had nothing to do with that shit! And I wasn't selling! I told you that," Ronnie bellows as he runs his hand through his hair. "Then why did you have a pound of weed on you?" Roy asks sarcastically. "Okay, I was going to sell the shit later but I wasn't in the middle of a sale when your bony ass came up," Ronnie said before looking over towards Riley and nodding. "Yeah, soda would be great," Ronnie says as Roy throws his hands up in mock defeat. "And where was your ass the night Danica died?" Roy asks but Ronnie just shrugs before getting slammed back up against the wall by the cop. "I was helping a friend!" he says, glancing over towards Riley and then closing his eyes as he takes a deep breath. [@Scallop] [@Morose] - Marc glances around and then starts poking around the room with his finger placed along the trigger of his side arm. Eventually he stops and lifts a brow. [color=82ca9d]"Tuesday? Get your ass over here,"[/color] he say as he holsters his side arm and grabs her quickly, pulling her into a hug. [color=82ca9d]"What the hell? You know what, never mind. I don't want to know,"[/color] he says quickly before letting her go and pointing out the door. [color=82ca9d]"I know you don't live here, so out. Come on, march young lady. Let's go see your sister, if she's home that is,"[/color] he says as he crosses his arms over his chest and motions for her to get moving. Glancing towards Felix he gives a finger gesture for him to follow along. This was not what he thought he would be running into right then but finding someone that wasn't pointing a gun at him was welcome. Granted seeing Tuesday here didn't make things exactly easy. For all he knew she was back to her old ways. [@Morose] [@Sigil] - Dr. Brinne cocks a brow as Caesar speaks, stepping over to him and resting her hand on his shoulder. She didn't know exactly what was going on but she had lost someone she loved dearly before, she knew the look in someone's eyes. [color=f26522]"Mr. Gonzalez, I don't know how police protocol goes. I'm just a doctor but for me that means if this is your daughter you will get every last bit of information I have being her next of kin. If you can listen, I am willing to tell you everything I have so far. If it is too much, Cecily knows. I will proceed how is best for you,"[/color] she says in a sympathetic voice before hearing the M.S. go off and turning her head, biting her bottom lip slightly as she goes over to read it she then looks back over towards Cecily. [color=f26522]"The levels aren't exactly right for storage, they are higher. Airport maybe? A hanger near it?"[/color] she asks before puling her gloves off and tossing them into the waste bin. [color=f26522]"Wait, you were attacked?"[/color] she asks Cecily quickly with a rather surprised look on her features. [@Pundii] - Risa nods slightly as she lets out a shaky breath. She heard what he was saying but part of her still didn't believe it. She had to screw something up along the way but she couldn't argue with him, not at least until she had solid proof and she wasn't going to be able to get that being out of the company's loop now. Sighing she tilts her head up and looks up at Lucas. [color=a187be]"Well if I didn't screw something up, then something went wrong somewhere. If we are going to get out of Argus's crosshairs, we have to figure it out. Where do we want to start?"[/color] she asks nervously. [color=a187be]"And don't even think about going anywhere without me. I'm not letting your backend out of my sight,"[/color] she adds in a coy voice. Out at Club AfterDark Zoie nearly chokes on her drink at Scotts answer and chuckles. [color=f6989d]"Right, good women? Sure ya don't need to have yer eye sight checked?"[/color] she chuckles as she sets her drink down. Glancing over as the owner steps back into her office and shuts the door behind her before Zoie looks back over towards Scott. [color=f6989d]"If yer lookin' for a decent woman you need to get the hell out of the Deadlight district hun. AIn't a single decent one among us."[/color]