[center][color=cyan][h1]Riley Ridgeway[/h1][/color] [img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/8390c99afc24f4effd97eb7da3d5b84a/tumblr_mrhdkoXVc31rnldgeo1_500.gif[/img] [i]Location: Classic Building 3C - Top Floor[/i][/center] [hr][hr] Riley looked between the two grown men it felt like they were in high school or something as she eyed the two of them, but then the mention of Danica. Riley shifted slightly as she headed for the fridge and pulled out a coke, when Ronnie asked where Roy was when Danica was killed. Causing Roy to slam Ronnie up against the wall she would let out a rather load groan, it certainly reminded her of a scene back in Grimm when she had her fair share of run ins with Simone when she was alive. [color=cyan]"For fucking Christ sake you are acting like two fucking high schoolers.."[/color] Riley muttered as she looked towards Roy. [color=cyan]"Can we not like do this in my apartment mind putting down Ronnie? I don't think he has weed or anything on him right now."[/color] Riley asked. Then her attention went towards Roy maybe he did have some information on Danica before she was killed. [color=cyan]"So anyway did you happen to know Danica personally by any chance?"[/color] Riley finally asked, she looked towards Ronnie for a moment and then walked over handing the can of soda towards her friend.