havok, un-slung his rifle from his shoulder and stood by the airlock he was ready for anything, why he didn't know. There was no one aboard anymore, the damage was visible as they got closer, he noticed a lot of the blasted open hull, the weapons used were high end, the corvette had decent armor and shields, breaking through would've been a hard task, and the crew itself, even surprised would've put up a fight even mandos would be proud of. He commed Thalen "Sir I would exercise caution when we get aboard, despite the damage and everything we may still have pockets of pirate resistance in certain areas. I will head on in first when we board as my armor can take the most hits from anything one would use aboard a vessel." He says, still feeling uneasy, but he didn't say anything, the haul was too good to let his instincts tell him to persuade Thalen to leave...hell his instincts may just be telling him that they're going to have to work for their loot, something that made the young mandalorian smile with delight.