[h1][center][b]Unlocking the Door[/b][/center][/h1] [h2][center][color=red]Reezan[/color] & [color=goldenrod]Sena[/color][/center][/h2] In the shuttle Reezan whispered to Sena, [color=red]”Don’t do anything stupid out there, if it gets too hot you get the hell out, you got that?”[/color] He couldn’t bring back a dead body to the only family that showed him kindness, he wouldn’t. Sena gave Reezan a quizzical look and replied sarcastically, [color=goldenrod]”Me do something stupid? You’re the one who was arrested and shot.”[/color] [color=red]”A sting operation was performed to take me down, thank you very much. And remember you were behind me when I was shot, things could have been,” [/color] Reezan went through a bout of coughing, [color=red]”Worse.”[/color] Reezan took point on the squad holding out his heavy pistol he scanned the surroundings. Getting close to the panel they were looking for Reezan held his fist up, signaling his party to stop. Bringing up his omni-tool showing all the systems within his suit, Reezan activated his suit’s cloak ability. As the fibers of his suit began to bend the light around him Reezan was slowly absorbed into the background. He rounded the corner to check for enemies, only to find nothing at all. [i]This is weird, I don’t have a good feeling about this.[/i] Reezan kept this skepticism to himself while de-cloaking and giving Sena and Fisher the all clear signal. Reezan pulled off the panel and began to examine the workings of the tech. [color=red]”Damn this thing is old, Tarrin wasn’t joking.”[/color] Hanging back until it was time to move forward, Sena kept low, being so petite, it wasn’t particularly hard for her to be subtle and discrete. Oddly, the coast appeared to be clear. She couldn’t help but wonder why on earth she was even here. Really, this was an utterly stupid idea, she should have stuck to her pilgrimage, there were other ways to help Reezan … [i]right?[/i] The pilgrimage was safer, was it not? And yet, she found herself oddly enjoying this strange rush. [i]”So this is what Octavus was doing when he left me on the ship and went down with his crew…”[/i] it was no wonder he protected her from this more dangerous element, and yet, she felt a buzz of adrenaline that was oddly addictive as she looked at the aged panel. [color=goldenrod]”Move your hand, that circuit right there, there is something wrong with it”[/color] she said, immediately noticing a bizarrely shaped circuit. [color=goldenrod]”Could be a trip-wire for some kind of bomb or alarm … this thing is old but whoever put in this circuit here wasn’t stupid”[/color] there was only one way to find out … or rather two, disabling it safely and examining later was the safer option, tripping the mystery circuit was the other way, and it was likely a bomb or an alarm so that wasn’t a good idea. Taking a closer look at the circuit board, turns out Sena was right. [i]Damn I’ve been out of practice…[/i] Reezan holstered his pistol to place his hand against the wall next to the board, bracing himself as another round of coughing came through. Looking up to his partner, [color=red]”You’ve always been better with tech, if it isn’t a weapon system or these suit systems I don’t have much experience.”[/color] [i]Ah shit, this isn’t going to be good, seems that bullet did more than I thought.[/i] [color=goldenrod]”You’re getting an infection. Let me check your suit”[/color] Sena insisted, of course that meant slightly delaying fixing the door-issue, but the welfare of the crew was more important than the mission right? I mean what use would they be if they were dead? The circuit let out a high-pitched whine. [color=goldenrod]”Gr, you boshtet!”[/color] Sena fumed, now was not the time. [color=goldenrod]”We may have triggered it when we pried off the panel. Grab some immuno-boosters from my pack, I’ll shut this thing down and then patch you up”[/color] It was hard to concentrate with Reezan getting ill right beside her, but if she didn’t diffuse the circuit it would either alert someone they were there, or blow them to pieces. He had to hold on just a little longer. She tapped away on her omni tool and bypassed the mechanism, temporarily scattering its signals, with a quick, sharp yank, it came free and the device didn’t seem to explode in their faces. With the imminent threat out of the way, she turned her attention to Reezan. [color=goldenrod]”I’ll treat the rupture in your suit, you focus on the panel, if you get stuck, just tell me what you see and I’ll talk you through.”[/color] Reezan’s mind was starting to move sluggishly, the sickness taking hold of him faster than he thought. Reezan was touched by yet upset from Sena’s actions towards him, [color=red]”Don’t worry about me, fool! We are here to do a job, nothing is more important than our result!”[/color] Reezan didn’t want to chastise her, but it was true that he believed the mission more important than his personal health. Looking to the circuit board he tried to recall his old missions, he had to break his way in every now and again. Finding a few similar circuit structure, Reezan began to slowly piece his way through this obstacle as his hand slipped as another bout of coughing overtook him. An alarm began to sound again, [i]Get ahold of yourself![/i], [color=red]”I’ll take care of it!”[/color] he reassured Sena. He furiously worked through his oncoming fever to quickly turn off the alarm and with a satisfying [i]clunk[/i] the doors began to open. Pulling his rifle off his back Reezan began to stagger forward, [color=red]”Sena, call in the update, I’ll scout on ahead. Fisher, report to Tarrin’s squad, we can handle it from here.”[/color] Without waiting for their responses he melted into his surroundings. [color=goldenrod]”Reezan wait-”[/color] Sena called but it was too late, he’d already disappeared. Sena gathered up their things and got up. [color=goldenrod]”We can’t do a job if you’re dead you fool”[/color] she hissed, not daring to raise her voice too loud incase there was someone in there waiting to ambush them. She freed her pistol from its holster and raised it up before stepping into the darkness around the corner. She tapped her comm channel on, silencing the external speaker on her helmet so that her voice would be confined to radio. [color=goldenrod]”Doors opened, the mechanics were simple enough but the mechanism was bugged with a trip circuit. Be careful, this place may have more traps.”[/color] Sena reported. She flipped her comm channel to Reezan, her voice would appear inside his helmet rather than externally, she couldn’t tell where he was in the dim surroundings and they needed to stick together. [color=goldenrod]”Reezan, where are you!”[/color] she cursed, eyes darting around trying to analyse the environment. Something scurried towards her, she could see a flicker of movement, but it certainly wasn’t Quarian, it wasn’t Reezan. She yelped and fired her pistol, obliterating the unsuspecting space beetle as her heart hammered in her chest from the ambush. [Color=red]”Sena, I'm right in fron-”[/color] Reezan was cut off as a gunshot passed by his foot by mere centimeters. Reezan reappeared, grabbed Sena and brought her behind some crates in a dark corner. He sat in wait waiting for any possible footsteps, hearing none, his rage boiled over. [Color=red]”Goddess! What's wrong with you?!”[/color] Reezan’s voice exploded in Sena’s speakers. [Color=red]”This is why I didn't want you out in the field, you're too nervous. You should have trusted me and waited for my scouting information. Damn, just stay here and stick to the shadows, I'll be back and if I don't I'll radio in what's going on.”[/color] Reezan pulled away from Sena, pulling out his pistol he once again disappeared from view. Sena blushed beneath her visor. She’d overreacted … but she wasn’t built for the frontlines, wasn’t that obvious? She was a genius but not on the field. [color=goldenrod]”You just vanished- I was looking for you!”[/color] she protested, of course he was right, she had overreacted, but he was silly for leaving her out there on her own, they were a team, they had to stick together, and with his fever he could hardly run off on his own, what if he got sloppy again and suffered another suit rupture? [color=goldenrod]”Reezan! Don’t run off and leave me here in the dark again, I’m coming with you”[/color] she insisted, this was part of the plan was it not? To meet up with the others later, they couldn’t afford to get separated already. She pawed around in the dark, hoping to find her way but the adrenalin pumping through her was making her dizzy, plus she recalled her capture by Batarian’s, the fear she’d been going through back then. This time she had a gun though, and … backup, it was different. She knew she wasn’t safe, but … this was a different danger. [color=goldenrod]”This is stupid! What a stupid plan, he should have let me send out a combat drone, then we wouldn’t be fumbling around in the dark waiting to be ambushed”[/color] she growled to herself. [i]”Whadda we have here-”[/i] A hand reached out from the dark. Sena [i]knew[/i] it wasn’t a bug, knew it wasn’t her imagination going into overdrive. Her muscles coiled up tight and she spun back to grab the assailant by the upper-arm and threw him over her shoulder, sprawling out on the floor in front of her. She pressed a pistol to his head, hand shaking slightly as her vision blurred back into focus. She didn’t recognise the face staring, bewilderedly, back up at her. [color=goldenrod]”Don’t move, or I’ll shoot- … I’ll shoot”[/color] she threatened. Reezan heard Sena’s complaints with heavy heart, [i]Can’t she tell I’m trying to keep her safe?[/i] Feeling bad for leaving her behind he began to return to his partner when he heard a loud [i]thud[/i] coming from where he left her. Worried, Reezan took off in a sprint to make sure she was okay; the sickness spreading through him slowed his movement but he kept pushing forward. He found Sena holding down someone, seems as if this place wasn’t as abandoned as initially thought. Reezan’s eyes were already attuned to their dark atmosphere, a trade skill when you're not allowed to be seen. As he drew closer to Sena, he noticed the person she was holding down was moving in a strange, erratic fashion. [i]Haven't I seen something like that before…[/i] Reezan bolted in full sprint after his realization of what they are dealing with but it was too late, Sena’s prisoner was already grabbing at her arms. Reezan grabbed his rifle off his back and took a swing as if it were a club, knocking the assailant off of his friend. Before it could stand, Reezan placed the barrel of his rifle against its head and took the shot, blue tinted blood spraying on the wall behind. As the body sunk to the ground he helped Sena to her feet. Reezan brought his omni-tool up to make a small light to illuminate what he just killed, the scarred, blue skin and dead eyes made it very clear on what it was. [Color=red]”It’s a Husk,”[/color] informed Reezan, [color=red]”Fought some of these on random planets the geth left behind during my career.”[/color] A visible shudder went through Reezan’s body, [color=red]”If these are around then this is definitely going to give us some interesting intel,”[/color] Reezan changed his comm link to include the other groups, [color=red]”Reezan and Sena reporting in. Just identified a Husk here, possibly more on grounds, there's some weird shit going on here. We will keep moving forward. Reezan out.”[/color] Reezan began pulling Sena by the hand for a few paces then settled it onto his shoulder, [color=red]”If you still can't see I'll guide you along, just stay close. More should be coming thanks to the noise we made so we need to move fast.”[/color] Switching the filter on his scope to night vision, he scanned the immediate area, he saw nothing but you could hear their shambling steps echoing in the dead silence. Reezan began moving them down a corridor where the noises didn't seem to be coming from. Sena blushed slightly at Reezan pulling her along … Living in a suit meant skin-to-skin contact was non-existent, but even with her suit, no one had really tried to make physical contact with her. Octavus was a little [i]too[/i] forward at times, but everyone else kept a huge distance, as if there wasn’t a person inside the suit at all. Her visor wasn’t equipped for this kind of darkness, she usually worked in a well lit lab, night-vision wasn’t a feature she’d modified her suit to include, that would be the first thing she’d do when they got back- [i]if[/i] they got back. She was taking mental notes of lots of different modifications to make, to weaponry, armour, everything … She’d seen some of the vids about the husks and reapers … but seeing one up close and personal, feeling it clawing at her suit … it was something else entirely. It was utterly horrifying. Deathly cold, making inhuman noises, lurching horribly and hungrily towards her … [color=goldenrod]”So we shoot anything we see … Right? Aside from the rest of our team, there are no innocent civilians in here right? Just Icarus and those … [i]things[/i]”[/color]. Reezan kept them moving at a quick pace, no time to slow down and let those things catch up to them. He heard Sena’s worried tone, [color=red]”Don’t go shooting anything first, I have the silenced weapon. I know you are worried right now but I want you to calm down and trust me, this isn’t the first time I’ve fought these things nor the first mission in the dark. I promise you that you will be fine.”[/color] While walking down the corridor they came to an intersection, checking both for enemies, Reezan noticed that down the right hallway that there was light coming from the end of it. Their path opened up to a large, empty chamber, the flickering lights in the floor casting shadows throughout the room. Reezan shouldered his rifle again, [color=red]”This is...strange,”[/color] he looked deeper into the room and found what looked like a guard station, [color=red]”Over here, maybe we’ll find something.”[/color]