[hider=Arsenal] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/18/99/4e/18994e5e41bd3209b2478afe874d8315.png[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Roy Harper [b]Super Name:[/b] Arsenal (formerly Speedy and Red Arrow) [b]Powers:[/b] None. Roy is, however, trained in archery by Oliver Queen himself. In addition, Roy has become a skilled hand-to-hand combatant and adept at using a wide array of weapons both standard and improvised. Thanks to some of his previous... connections, Roy speaks fluent Japanese and can also understand Russian, though he still needs to work on speaking the latter. Thanks to his time spent along side both Green Arrow and various members of the Bat-family, Roy has developed a keen analytical sense and has since become quite a detective in his own right. [b]Technology:[/b] Compound bow capable of folding in on itself for portability, some diamond-tipped arrows as well as a few "trick arrows" capable of taking down opponents non-lethally. These generally include compressed nets, blunted tips (most think of the famous boxing glove arrow), taser arrows capable of discharging an electrical current to stun attackers, among others. Roy's other weapons include a pair of Glock 41's, two combat knives hidden in his boots, and finally a pair of titanium batons. Roy's prosthetic arm - made of a synthium alloy - can also be used as a makeshift weapon or shield but he prefers to avoid potentially damaging it if possible. His commonly used utilities include a Batman-inspired gas-powered grapple gun, smoke bombs, flash bombs, and a voice modulator worn under his hood to distort his voice and prevent someone from recognizing him. [b]Acquaintances:[/b] Oliver Queen (Green Arrow) - Former mentor and surrogate father-figure. Dick Grayson (Nightwing) - Fellow founding member of the former Teen Titans. Batman's former student adopted Ward. Vic Stone (Cyborg) - Another former Titan, and was the one who built Roy's prosthetic arm. Jade Nguyen (Cheshire) - An infamous assassin and Roy's ex-lover. [b]Personality:[/b] If one were to describe Roy in a single word, "stubborn" would likely be their first choice. Roy's stubbornness combined with his opinionated attitude - one he likely picked up from being around Ollie for so long - can and has made him difficult to work with in the past. In recent years, Roy appears to have to realized this flaw and finds himself actively trying to improve his attitude, with varying degrees of success. Despite this, Roy still has a few "berserk buttons", as it were. Chief among those being drugs, heroin in particular. Having had a history with heroin himself, seeing others letting themselves be dragged down by has a way of setting him off and making him more eager than usual to take down whoever selling the drug. Ever since Anarchy's takeover, Roy has found himself getting progressively angrier at the world in general, as if it somehow betrayed him for letting Anarchy take over so easily. None has earned his ire more than Oliver Queen though, whose insistence on continuing to support Anarchy's efforts may as well be like putting a knife in Roy's back. [b]Bio:[/b] Roy was born of Navajo descent, even bearing a tribal tattoo to represent that fact. In his early childhood, Roy was adopted and raised by Broken Bow, a Navajo medicine chief who taught the young Roy the basics of archery. Roy didn't know his biological father that well, but he knew the man was a forest ranger that died tragically in a forest fire. After Brave Bow's death, and thus having lost two fathers, a grief-stricken Roy found himself lost. He was falling in with the wrong kinds of crowds, even becoming a heroin addict in the process. Needless to say, Roy's life was a low point. That changed when he met Oliver Queen. Roy first met Ollie when the latter approached him as Green Arrow, convincing Roy not to go through with robbing a nearby convenient store. Oliver could have just left Roy's fate up to the system, but instead decided to help the young teen himself. He took Roy in, gave him a home and essentially adopted him as his ward. Noticing Roy's existing skill with a bow, Oliver decided to train him further. Before long, Roy was fighting alongside Green Arrow as Speedy. Sometime later, Speedy met and became friends with a number of other teenage sidekicks. Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, Donna Troy and himself started a team of their own called the Teen Titans. While in the Titans, Roy had a brief relationship with Donna that, frankly, didn't last long. The Titans themselves didn't last forever either, due mostly their roster constantly changing with people coming in and out of the team. Soon even Robin, who by then had rebranded himself as Nightwing, left the team he had helped create long with his then-lover Starfire. The Titans disbanded shortly after, and Roy found himself turning to heroin once more. It didn't take Oliver long to discover Roy's relapse, and angered, he threw Roy out. Roy wasn't on the streets for long, instead he was taken in by Black Canary, who helped him break the addiction once and for all. But by then his relationship with Oliver had become strained, so Roy borrowed a page from Dick's playbook and rebranded himself as Red Arrow. As Red Arrow, Roy found himself once again among the ranks of the Titans. Vic Stone - aka Cyborg and a member of the former team before it disbanded - asked Roy to help him start a new Teen Titans, even Nightwing approved the idea despite politely refusing the join the new team. This new team of Titans lasted all the way until Superman's death, only disbanding because Anarchy forced them to. During this team's tenure, Roy met the assassin Cheshire during an undercover mission meant to take her down. Instead the two ended up falling deeply in love with each other, and so Roy couldn't bring himself to take her down when the time came, instead letting her go. After Anarchy's takeover, the New Titans lost contact with each other. Roy at first tried take Anarchy down on his own, but found himself defeated and dismembered for his troubles. He was forced to go into hiding after that, but during that time he reached out to Vic and his former teammate built an advanced prosthetic arm for him, but advised Roy to stay hidden and to give up on taking Anarchy down. Ever stubborn, Roy's response was to sever all his previous ties, forever discarding both Speedy [i]and[/i] Red Arrow. He donned a new mask and hood, started carrying and wielding more weapons than just his bow. With such a small arsenal of weapons he always seemed to have on him, it wasn't hard for Roy to earn a new name... Arsenal.[/hider]