[img]http://comicsalliance.com/files/2016/06/jonkent2.jpg?w=630&h=815&zc=1&s=0&a=t&q=89[/img] Name: Jonathon Kent Super Name: Superboy Powers: Kryotonian Psychology: Jonathon Kent is half Krypton and half human, which grants him superhuman abilities shared by all members of the dead race from Krypton. His cells adsorb solar radiation from earth's yellow sun and grant him super strength, incredible durability as well as microscopic, heat and x-ray vision. He is also able to fly at supersonic speeds and possess superhuman hearing. Do to his young age, Jonathon is nowhere close to Superman's power and max can lift 80 tons of weight, maybe more if he really pushes himself. He is also very weak against Kryptonite and Red sun radiation can slowly strip him of his powers. Jonathon has no defense against magic and effected by magical weapons just like a normal human. Technology: He just has his smartphone and a communicator from his father's fortress of solitude. Acquaintances: Best friend: Damian Wayne. Family Friend: Bruce Wayne Family Friend : Diana Prince Cousin: Kara Zor El Personality: Jonathan is his father's son and has a very kind heart. For him Truth, Justice and The American way are part of the legacy that his father created and he wants to live up to that legacy. Because of his young age, Jonathon has tendencies to be immature and more innocent then an average adult, which makes it easier for him to be fooled by deceptive people. Jonathon tries to be a symbol of hope like his dad, but the status of America has made it more difficult to keep his faith in a good society. Bio: Born to Clark Kent and Lois Lane, Jonathon was destined for big things. From a young age his powers had developed and his father helped teach how to control these great powers. Jonathon was raised by his father's belief in Truth Justice and the American Way. When the villain Anarchy attacked the world governments in his way of making the world a better place, Jonathon saw his father's supposed death and he was hit with the terrible tragedy. But things were not as they had seemed and his father turned out to be alive. He explained to him about his reasons for faking his death, but Jonathon disagreed with his dad's decision to disguise himself in order to see if Anarchy was right. Johnathan wanted the world to go back to the way it was and see more peace.