[h3][color=darkgreen]?![/color] - Deep in the Forest surrounding Home[/h3] The deeper one entered the forest, the quieter it got. Sunlight would dim, sounds of nature would cease, and the trees grew closer and closer together. The only source of illumination came from needle-thin beams of light that found it's way past the endless sky of leaves. Even the more darker, vile creatures of the forest seemed no longer present. It was as if the forest was as empty as the town they lived in. [color=darkgreen][b]"CHAAAAAAAAAAARGE!!!"[/b][/color] Only a few yards away from the duo, camouflaged within thick trees, a shadow twice the size of a man staggered back before them. The hulking monstrosity swatted the air in front of itself, like a bee attack. But ultimately, the beast fell with a quaking defeat, trembling the ground around it. With it's form motionless, the small creature continued to drive its axe into the monster's chest. Again and again and again and again. Finally, the axe stayed in, its attacker finally through with his pin cushion. Silence filled the forest once more, save for the faint panting of the tiny warrior. He sat crossed-legged on the limp arm of his kill, wiping away the blood that got on his hat. Then his gaze, or his good eye, met with two other figures hidden in the trees. His back erected. Two shadows. Two intruders.