[@gohKamikaze][@Pineappletumble][@Dark Light][@Snarfulblast] [Center][h3][color=335566]Анна[/color][/h3][/center] Her mind jumped from on subject to the next before a little man had jumped up behind the counter. A little yelp excaping from her mouth along with a few muttered profanities in a far off dialect at all his sudden movements and loud tone. She was served promptly after some liquid with a strange tint to it. Her gaze now dictated apon the strange little man behind the counter. Following his every movement while the two men conversed and even fewer of the words they said made sense. After 'Ra-ta-ta-tat' English was hard expeccially when it all sounds like gibberish at some point. Her mind drifted quickly from the bouncing little man andbthe twos conversation to a sound she picked up on. Her gaze determining it was coming from and so she gazed at the door. 'Ra-ta-ta-tat' Her legs adjusted from just dangling from the stool. Tangling themselves succurly around the legs as she would a tree branch. [i]There are people here. People can take care of big bad things like my friends can.. I hope.. [/i] 'Ra-ta-ta-tat'