With his comrades rushing in to aid him against the aggressors, Do'Karth was emboldened to go on the offensive, charging the crossbow-wielding Dunmer in the peculiar robes, who was trying frantically to reloaded his weapon, now pressed against the floor as he pulled drastically on the string to reset the mechanism as a fang-barring khajiit closed in on him, quite intent to beat him to a darker shade of grey with a blunt instrument. As Do'Karth was nearing his final steps and winding up his staff to bring down over the Dunmer's head, his adversary managed to slip a bolt into battery and he hastily took aim at Do'Karth, firing as the staff came down. With actual cat-like reflexes, Do'Karth cleared out of the direction the weapon was pointing as he was striking, pulling his weapon off point, but also avoiding being shot in the process. Do'Karth's weapon struck the Dunmer in the forearm with enough force to knock the weapon down, but not disarm the enemy since much of the momentum was lost in dodging the shot. Sadri yelped in surprise and pain, evidently the recipient of the second shot that was meant for Do'Karth, prompting the khajiit to jab the end of his staff into the dunmer's chest. "Surrender, or this one will make you wish you had. Your friends are dead," he said, fully aware he was assuming his comrades managed to overtake their adversaries. "Drop it." he hissed. He noticed that while he had the end of his weapon pressing against the Dunmer's chest, the dunmer also had a dagger he had produced from somewhere in the folds of his robe with his free hand that was inches from Do'Karth's gut. Either combatant stood to do quite a bit of harm to the other if things went in another direction than the khajiit hoped for. Was this crossbow wielding fool really so stupid to test his odds against so many?