*prods thread with a stick* Hey guys, what's happening? I realise our GM might be busy, but what about the rest of you? It's been eleven days since our last IC post, eleven days! We have 15 character sheets and only 9 people have posted in the IC, seriously? Come on, that's almost half the group that hasn't posted yet and we're on the very [i]first[/i] post of the thread! Look, I know RL's a bitch and we're all busy, but it's not like you have to write a novel. The scene has been set, you just need to introduce your character in a couple of paragraphs so that we can get to know them. How hard can that be? Do you mean to tell me that over these past eleven days, not one of you has has had one free hour to sit down and type out a post? I'm among the slowest writers I know and even I could do that. Sorry for the rant, but I just find it immensely annoying that everyone was super pumped up for the RP in the OOC and in the interest check and now that the actual time to RP has come we've got nothing but silence. We've got an amazing cast of characters, we've got a great plot shaping up and the setting is fucking cool - what's not to like?!