[centre][b][h1]Sasha, Matt, Jacklyn, Nikki, Kyle[/h1][/b][/centre] [@Wick][@dabombjk][@josephb][@kurai assassin] The announcement to move wasn't really surprising to Sasha. They had been lucky so far on the farm, but that couldn't last forever. As things started to be packed up and loaded, she did what she could to help, spying Jacklyn with a now bandaged hand, she didn't feel particularly sorry about cutting her. She avoided the other woman as much as she could, heading outside, to what crops were ready, thinking that if they needed to, what ones weren't ready they could come back later, but at least they'd have some fresh stuff while they set up at the school.  Ingrid came out back to the garden and smiled when she saw Sasha. [color=8dc73f] "Hey, I guess it's great minds think alike huh?" [/color] She said smiling at the haul of fresh veggies Sasha had already. [color=8dc73f]  "I'm going to run the first car up and start unloading. I'm not liking that Nikki and Gracie are up there on their own right now. You want to come with me? The guys will go back and forth with the truck and get the big stuff."[/color] Ingrid helped Sasha with the vegetables and she went to the trunk of the car and put the veggies in a large pot in there and hopped into the car. Sasha looked up and returned Ingrid's smile, nodding [color=f7941d]"Sure, i'll go with you. I don't like that idea either"[/color]She rose as they finished, glancing about to make sure they hadn't left any behind, before following Ingrid to the car, climbing in as well. She looked about the farm, wondering if it would still be there,if they'd ever see it again.  Kyle sighed in frustration when Matt came back with his announcement. He figured Nikki would do something like this, and he repeatedly said that going to another school was a bad idea. But he wasnt going to fight her on this, it really wasnt worth the headache that would follow. And while he did like the farm, it was not their farm. Technically they stole it. That made Kyle chuckle slightly. Never would have imagined stealing a farm.  Kyle went upstairs, inside the house, to his room and packed his duffel bag. He packed a few clothing items, some ammo, a spare hunting knife, and a handgun. He checked to make sure he had all his weapons and everything he needed already on him, then swung the duffel bag over his shoulder. Kyle looked around the room some more, and to his surprise he found something they had missed before in the closet. Kyle picked up a small camera, one of the ones that printed the photo after it was taken directly from the camera. Kyle smiled, and packed it in his duffel bag. Then he made sure he packed anything of Nikki's, swung the second bag around his shoulder, then went back outside. Kyle went to his impala and drove over closer to the rest of the group. He put his bags in the back seat and offered anyone who wanted to ride shotgun, shotgun. His last car crew had gotten eaten before they had found the farm, so he didnt have anyone to ride with. Jacklyn watched as they all began to pack up, she did just enough to avoid being called out, but not enough that she was straining herself. Her own things, meager as they were, were quite easy to pack up, and she was soon finished, cursing silently to herself everytime she hurt her injured hand. Who knew that the girl had the balls to do that? She hadn't, and that wasn't a mistake she was going to make twice. Now that she knew...well, she could have her fun still.  Heading outside, she sighed at the change in her own plans, but made sure she didn't let that show. She took Kyle up on his offer for a ride to anyone quite cheerfully and walked over to the car.  Kyle grinned and before he got into the vehicle, he made sure everyone else was ready to go. Some people needed a few seconds longer, but it was fine. Kyle made sure everyone had a ride, then got into his car. He fastened his seat belt, and started the car. He looked over at Jacklyn and in a obviously joking voice he spoke to her. [color=004b80]"Now little lady, done did need you to fasten that there seat belt,"[/color]Kyle said in his best country accent. Jacklyn smiled, setting her things in the car, before getting in herself. [color=ec008c]"Because that's what we're worried about. Death by crash"[/color] She chuckled, but she put her seatbelt on all the same. [color=ec008c]"I don't think this school is a good idea, it was abandoned for a reason after all"[/color] She brushed her hair back out her eyes, [color=ec008c]"And towns attract people"[/color] Ingrid pulled up to the school. She hadn't waited for anyone else. This car was full and she knew that if anything happened that Nikki would not be able to fight with Grace on her hip for long. Once inside the parking lot she closed off the gate and went inside the front door. [color=8dc73f] "Nikki? Where are you?" [/color]Ingrid said.[color=8dc73f]  "Everyone else is a few minutes behind us. Sasha and I are here now." [/color]She just about jumped out of her skin when the breaker was flipped and the lights came on around her.  Nikki and a babbling Gracie appeared a moment later.  [color=f49ac2]"Good, glad you guys made it! I'm liking this school. It's got most of the same stuff the other one but no earthquakes are likely in Texas." [/color]Nikki grinned. Ingrid waved Sasha in and she started to unload stuff into the front hallway.  [color=8dc73f] "First ones here get to pick their rooms!" [/color]Grace laughed and giggled like a goofball and Ingrid gave her a tickle and a toy.  Kyle drove, having a slightly hard time with Matt's directions. No matter how good of a fighter he was, he was completely clueless when it came to directions. While he and Jacklyn were, albeit actually not far from the school, they drove past what seemed to be still a working gun range. Kyle looked back, then back to Jacklyn. [color=004b80]"Hmm. Seems like that Shooting range still has some munitions, and has some power. Must be running off a seperate generator...."[/color] Kyle raised an eyebrow. [color=004b80]"You wouldnt happen to wanna go shoot shit would you?"[/color] Sasha was relieved to find Nikki and Grace safe, and she glanced around the school. It looked like it had been shut down a while, and there didn't appear to be any sign that walkers had ever been in there. That seemed positive, especially if they could secure all the doors and windows well. She helped Ingrid to unload the car, glancing about every so often to ensure there were no walkers about.   [color=f7941d]"Have you found the nurse's office, Nikki? There might be some supplies there we can use"[/color] She asked, after they had finished unloading, not particularly worried about a room.  Jacklyn glanced over at the shooting range, [color=f49ac2]"That seems like a waste of perfectly good bullets. Lets do it"[/color] She said, although she did wonder how it could have power still, they were at what, over 100 days since the out break. Part of her wondered if it was a trap, the other part didn't truly care.  Kyle grinned and did a quick U turn, parking fast into the shooting range parking lot. Kyle got out of the car and looked at the front of the building. There was blood splatters everywhere on the walls, and the door was partially hanging off its hinges. From here he could see the counter inside and the weapons and ammunition. He got a bad feeling, like this was a trap. Too many little things he could see worried him, but Kyle pushed the thought aside. If they were attacked, they would be able to fight them off. Kyle walked inside, hand gun drawn, and cleared the room. He poked his head out of the door. [color=004b80]"Yo Jacky, no one is here,"[/color] Kyle turned back around and walked behind the counter, and he couldnt help but smile. Everything between a M16a4 to a 240 Bravo was here with enough ammunition to...well survive an apocolypse. Jacklyn studied the building, not following Kyle in straight away. She wondered how easy it would be to grab what she could, and then shoot them all. But then she'd lose her security when she wasn't quite ready to. Still, she enjoyed the thought. As Kyle called out to her, she went in, glancing about. It looked like there had been a sort of stand off in the building. The dead against the...well, they'd be dead now. She very nearly chuckled at her train of thought, but kept herself composed.  Looking about at all the weapons, the bullets, she couldn't help but wonder if all of it had been there before the dead came. There didn't look like to be anyone about, but that didn't mean there wasn't. [color=f49ac2]"Maybe we should just take what we can and get out of here. Blood tends to attract the dead, one way or another."[/color] Kyle heard Jacklyn, and considered it, but shook his head. [color=004b80]"We will be fine, worse comes to worse we kill a ton of walkers."[/color] Kyle then laughed, pointed his gun to the ceiling, then fired a round off. [color=004b80]"Besides, I think that just maybe guns make more of an attraction noise than blood."[/color] Jacklyn gave a sigh. While she wasn't adverse to having a good time, she was when it affected her own safety. Again she contemplated just shooting Kyle, but then she'd have to come up with a good, believeable story as to why she arrived at the school without him. And no one would believe her. She rolled her eyes, and leaned back against the counter.  [color=f49ac2]"That maybe so, but do you really wish to attract every walker in this town and lead them towards the school?"[/color] She asked, trying to play on his better nature. Good people were so easy to mess with, she knew how to push their buttons.  [color=f49ac2]"Even with all this ammunition, we would probably find it hard to fight off a herd just the two of us."[/color] Kyle paused, and for a few moments he was silent. Then he picked up an M16, slapped a full clip into it, readied it, and shot the ceiling again. Kyle laughed again. [color=004b80]"What because you cant manipulate them with your honey words and cute figure? Im ex military, if I any herd comes toward us you can sit out if you want. And I will kill anything that threatens my group, even if im the cause of the threat."[/color] Bold words, but Kyle felt hollow saying them. He loved Nikki and he knew he should just go back to the school, but he wasnt ready yet. A lot of crap he had to deal with came back up when Nikki made Matt make the announcement that they were moving into another school. This isnt the first time Kyle has disagreed with Nikki on her decisions either. But he mentally sighed. It wasnt worth the headache. He calmed himself then walked over to the shooting posts. There was already a few lanes set up, Kyle pressed the button to start his lane then took careful aim and began firing. As the other vehicles started to show up and start unloading she grinned as Ingrid took Grace. Nikki heard her brother and she opened the door in time to see him sitting in the bed of the truck on top of six box springs and mattresses. He was pretending to be a redneck and she started laughing at him. She was a little concerned that he might fall off of the 12 foot high bed. [color=f49ac2]"Yes the nurses' office is near the attendance office. Sasha come look at this. My brother is such a joker."[/color] Nikki looked past him and at the other cars. Not seeing the impala she frowned. When she saw Violet on horseback she grinned. [color=f49ac2]"Did Kyle stay back at the farmhouse to pack up the next load?" [/color]Violet shook her head. [color=a187be] "No, he left before we did him and that Jackie girl."[/color] Nikki felt the lump in her throat and she nodded and went back into the building. She was angry so she went into the kitchen and started to unpack things. Darius came in because of all the noise she was making. [color=yellow]"Nikki? You ok?" [/color]She slammed a big pot on the counter and said, [color=f49ac2]  "Yeah Darius I'm great. What do you need?" He winced at the loud noise. [color=yellow]"I was just coming to make sure you were ok. It's kinda loud in here."[/color] Nikki asked Darius, [color=f49ac2]  "When Kyle gets here can you tell him I want to speak with him?" [/color]Darius nodded and walked out of the kitchen in a hurry. Jacklyn sighed, [color=f49ac2]"Just because you are ex-military doesn't mean you can take on hundreds, if not over a thousand, walkers single handedly. No offense, but I don't want to die, and if it comes down to me or you, it's going to be me who survives. and its not just the dead we need to worry about. What about all those "threats" you want me to deal with, other humans? Or will you just let them walk all over and kidnap your people again?"[/color] Jacklyn knew that was a risk to say, but she was beyond caring right then.  [color=f49ac2]"You can stay here, I'm heading to the school. Least i can make sure I don't get blamed for your stupidity when you become walker bait"[/color]  She grabbed a few weapons, thinking that if she went to the school with weapons, that would at least convince some of them she was on their side. She couldn't drag Kyle with her, so if he wanted to mope about and shoot things, and probably attract his own death she wasn't going to stop him. It would be one less person she'd have to deal with if he got himself killed, although she'd be saddened that she couldn't watch his death.  Heading out the building, she headed in the direction she thought the school was.  Sasha followed Nikki out when she called to her, thinking she had no idea where the attendance office was either, but she'd figure it out. She started to ask what it was, but saw for herself. She smiled, but did wonder how Matt had managed to stay on, during the ride down. She watched Nikki go back inside after asking after Kyle, and frowned slightly. She wondered if Jacklyn had done something to Kyle, and she worried that she should have mentioned the woman cornering her that morning.  Perhaps she was just being foolish. She looked back to Matt and smiled again [color=f7941d]"How did you not fall off?"[/color] Kyle finished with his target practice and brought his paper target forward to him. He checked the hit marks, and felt a slight nudge of pride at the accuracy of the hit box. Kyle brought the M16 with him back to the counter, and set it down. He looked around, and spotted a few big bags, large enough to carry quite a few weapons. He grabbed three bags, and loaded them with M16's, MP4's, hunting rifles, and even a machine gun. His very own 240, which Kyle was very happy to hold. He packed the third bag with enough ammunition to last a large fight with the entire school and put the bags in the trunk of his impala.  Thats when he started hearing the noises. Soft growling and thumping noises, Kyle looked behind him to see a horde of walkers walking through the side of buildings and down the street. All coming for him. He smiled, pulling out his hand gun and hunting knife.  [color=004b80]"Bring it on you sons of bitches,"[/color]Kyle said softly. Kyle mainly used his knife at first, stabbing walkers in the head. After a few minutes he began to get surrounded and he was forced to use his gun. But he stayed alive, and stayed unbitten. Nikki heard the gunfire and she ran out the front door and looked down the street. Matt jumped down 15 feet to the ground and grabbed two of the AK's from the truck tossing one to Nikki. She made sure the clip was full and Matt had to run to keep up with her. Darius ushered the others into the school and stayed ready by the door. Nikki turned the corner and saw the Impala first. She turned her head and saw Kyle fighting the walkers. He was way too close for her comfort so she shot at the walkers dropping them like flies alongside her brother and her husband. When the walkers were gone she hugged Kyle and then she looked at Matt who was trying to figure out where a large group of walkers came from way out there. They were at least 50 miles from the nearest big city.  Nikki looked at Kyle, [color=f49ac2]  "What in the world are you doing over here? Where did what's her face go? Did they get her?" [/color]Nikki asked a little too hopefully.  After Nikki let go of Kyle, he simply shrugged at her questions. He looked down, and for moment all he could see was the blood on his knife, the shells on the ground, and the dead walkers. He felt like his skull was vibrating, and his blood was pumping in his ears. Then he simply calmed down as soon as all of what he had felt started. [color=004b80]"Dont know. You know me I am bad with directions, took a few wrong turns. Found a kick ass gun store and my trunk is loaded with shit. I even got a machine gun, but its my machine gun. I named it Johnny."[/color] Kyle looked around, then back at Nikki. [color=004b80]"No idea where Jacky went. Said something about not wanting to die and left. Doesnt matter to me. By the way you got here quick, where is the school?"[/color] Nikki looked at Kyle and he seemed off, kinda like when his PTSD was acting up. [color=f49ac2]  "It's around the corner. Come on baby. I want to show you what I found." [/color]Matt wasn't sure where the walkers came from but he was sure it couldn't be a good thing. He kept looking back. He walked to the school and the Impala passed him with Nikki and Kyle inside it. He hurried and secured the gate back and then he got back to unloading. He kept the gun with him. He still didn't trust that 50 walkers just came out of nowhere in the farmlands. When Nikki got back inside the school she saw Violet telling Ethan about the school. [color=a187be]"This is the only school in the county. It's k-12 so there is pretty much everything here for all ages of kids. It also means that we will have a long drive to get supplies. The land behind the building is very fertile so we can plant there too. I put Heath in the pasture in the field on the left."[/color] Nikki asked, [color=f49ac2]  "Heath?" [/color]Violet grinned, [color=a187be]"My horse. I named him after Heath Ledger because he was my favorite actor." [/color]Violet turned a little pink with embarrassment and said, [color=a187be]"Yeah I know, it's weird."[/color] Jacklyn made her way to the school, glancing back at the sound of Gun shots, she slid into the schools grounds. [color=f7941d]"Told him he'd attract the walkers"[/color] She said to herself, shrugging. She wasn't going to go back and risk her life. She watched as Nikki, and Matt dashed off, she entered the school when they were gone, looking about her. Curious, she dropped the guns by the door, keeping one with her, she made sure she had bullets as well, before beginning to search the school.  Sasha wanted to follow Nikki and Matt, but she knew she'd be more of a hinderance, armed only with her dagger. Listening to the gunshots, she tried to catch any sign of them, fearing that they wouldn't come back, that they were all going to be overrun. It brought back too many memories of her community being overrun, destroyed. She bit her lip as the shots stopped, but soon saw the impala, and sighed in relief. When she saw Matt, she darted out to him, giving him a tight hug, relieved that he was okay.