"We don't understand what you may be saying." Lusso replied to Marianne's enigmatic words, turning her attention away from the painting for a moment to take another look at the raven black haired girl, taking in the sight of her mismatched eyes of purple and gold. Lusso gave one steps on Marianne's direction before reached forth to touch the her shoulder as if trying to confirm that Marianne really did exist. The tombstone cold sensation Lusso felt trough her gloved hands, surprisingly, didn't even made Lusso flinch. Perhaps she didn't even knew how a normal human was supposed to feel? Either way, Lusso seemed satisfied after feeling the fact that Marianne was not a fabrication of her mind and withdrew her hand, for a few moments Lusso stared at her empty palm, opening and closing it slowly. At the same time, if Marianne cared to check, she would find a translucent, almost spectral raven feather resting on her shoulder, thought it would disappear at the least of disturbances. Or perhaps not, given Marianne's strange connection with Lusso's mystery. "How can we not know you aren't what you claim us to be?" So enthralled was she with Marianne, that Lusso didn't even noticed that the water running down from the painting until her shoes were practically soaked. At which point Lusso looked bellow her to see that the carpet had already turned into little more than a shallow puddle whose level rose slowly but surely. A few of the feathers that seem to follow Lusso drifted in the water, going toward one of the corners of the room's corners as if guided by a current. Perhaps, there was something hidden behind one of those bookshelves? [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/i6fLcHF.png[/img][/center] Meanwhile, the loose raven's attention was turned away from the cigar box by the wafting smell of the freshly open can of beans. It flew from it's perch, trying to landing right on Shawn's forearm to scoop away some one the can's contents. The bird cawed loud while beating its wings, which would unavoidably hit Shawn's face, if he didn't anything to avoid them. Its sinister four-eyed gaze crossed that of the boy as the beast tried to wrestle for the food.