[@Holy Soldier] here's what I got atm (difficulties figuring out a "current story") [hider=Sloth Sin Cecelia] Name: Cecelia "The Reaper" Garron Age: Appears mid-late 20s Sin: Sloth Height: 5’7” Weight: 127 lbs Hair Color: Blond Eye Color: Grey Gender: Female Written Appearance: Cecelia has hair just past her shoulders and usually has an almost listless demeanor, along with a slender figure. She can hide her eyes behind the hood of her outfit (shown below). Most people will assume she’s a young girl, astray from her path. [Hider=clothes][img]http://i592.photobucket.com/albums/tt7/Sara_Shadow/Fantasy/cloak.jpg[/img][/hider] Brand Appearance: On the top of her shoulder, Cecelia has a brand that, from a distance, appears to be a simple circle with a smaller circle within. Upon closer inspection, it’s a series of small, straight lines that makes up each circle with the inner circle having tiny characters of an unknown language. Personality: The best way to describe Cecelia’s personality is “indifferent”. Cecelia is carefree and aloof, yet is very friendly to those closest to her. She prefers to avoid confrontation, but will fight if tension breaks out. Background: ??? Current Story: Cecelia currently resides in a farm town, occasionally “borrowing” food from the farmers. She wonders why she can’t remember her past, but besides thinking about a few blurry images that she has, doesn't do anything to actively try to recover her past memories. Weapon: Large Scythe - Cecelia used to fight with a small militia, and came across this scythe one day, being told she looked like a reaper with her outfit, so she kept it. This “look of the reaper” has helped her avoid several unnecessary conflicts. This scythe folds its blade over to look like a simple staff, but can be flipped out and locked in place when needed as a weapon. Ability: Mage Hands - Cecelia can create two hands that can move up to 20 feet away, usually choosing to control her weapon with them. [/hider]