[center][h3]Liam Pyne[/h3][/center] Liam set dinner on the table in front of the small gathered group. “Are you the only ones who are coming.” The young man’s earlier mildly pleased demeanor was gone and in its place was worry lines and a tired expression. Dinner had turned out to be mildly therapeutic as it had allowed him to put away his fears and focus on something mundane. The dinner ended up being a whole lot simpler than he normally cooked: Beef stroganov and steamed vegetables. Settling into the chair across from the two girls he set a mug on the table in front of him. Liam would get to the food eventually but for now he simply ran his finger around the lip of the black ceramic mug; the front of which featured a papyrus motify. It was an image from the egyptian book of the dead, when he was younger he’d been obsessed with egyptian ancient history. “Might as well start eating. I was hoping perhaps we’d see more but if it's just the four of us this might be easier to explain.” Looking over Paulina’s shoulder he pursed his lips. Arty ghosted by behind her a very determined look on his face. Hopefully he was alright after this afternoon but the spirits around the Academy had been incredibly sour all day. Taking a long sip from the mug he continued to peer down the hallway lost in thought. Mostly it was about the afternoon but occasionally his thoughts wandered towards his family and everything that had led up to this. Keeping his face carefully schooled he did his best to try and do the same with his emotions. It had been incredibly apparent just how sensitive Ashleigh was to others feelings and it was the least he could do to help her out. [@Thundercrash][@Caits]